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Dynamodb GSI 包含 boolean

[英]Dynamodb GSI containing boolean

I have a dynamodb table of events that have specified start and end times.我有一个 dynamodb 事件表,其中包含指定的开始和结束时间。 These events can be happening in realtime, in which case, the end timestamp is not yet written.这些事件可以实时发生,在这种情况下,结束时间戳尚未写入。

I have setup a global secondary index with the sort key being the binary field, active .我已经设置了一个全局二级索引,其中排序键是二进制字段active When I try and update a record to set this to true, I get the error:当我尝试更新记录以将其设置为 true 时,出现错误:

Expected: B Actual: BOOL

The python code for this is: python 代码是:

        'fingerprint': item['fingerprint'],
        'startedtimestamp': item['startedtimestamp']
    UpdateExpression="SET #active :active, resolvedtimestamp :resolvedtimestamp",
    ExpressionAttributeNames : {
        '#active' : 'active',
        '#resolvedtimestamp' : 'resolvedtimestamp'
        ':active': False, ':resolvedtimestamp': resolvedtimestamp},

I have also been reading elsewhere about using a sparse index instead.我也一直在其他地方阅读有关使用稀疏索引的信息。 In this case though, if the index was just the resolvedtimestamp , would it be possible to query for the active records (eg resolvedtimestamp is not set)?但是在这种情况下,如果索引只是resolvedtimestamp ,是否可以查询活动记录(例如未设置resolvedtimestamp )? Otherwise, what other optimizations can I do to the table and indices to be able to query for active records?否则,我可以对表和索引做哪些其他优化,以便能够查询活动记录?

I have setup a global secondary index with the sort key being the binary field, active我已经设置了一个全局二级索引,其中排序键是二进制字段, active

active is a boolean not a binary field and that is why you receive the exception. active是 boolean 而不是二进制字段,这就是您收到异常的原因。 Also, it's not possible to use boolean as part of a primary key, it must be string, number or binary.此外,不能将 boolean 用作主键的一部分,它必须是字符串、数字或二进制。

If you are only interested in active records, then set active = 'True' only when true, do not set it to false.如果您只对活动记录感兴趣,那么只在为真时设置active = 'True' ,不要将其设置为假。 If false, delete the attribute from the item.如果为 false,则从项目中删除该属性。 This will give you a sparse index.这会给你一个稀疏索引。

        'fingerprint': item['fingerprint'],
        'startedtimestamp': item['startedtimestamp']
    UpdateExpression="SET #active = :active, resolvedtimestamp = :resolvedtimestamp",
    ExpressionAttributeNames : {
        '#active' : 'active',
        '#resolvedtimestamp' : 'resolvedtimestamp'
        ':active': 'True', 
        ':resolvedtimestamp': resolvedtimestamp},

Please update your Update Expression with.请更新您的更新表达式。

 UpdateExpression="SET #active = :active, resolvedtimestamp = :resolvedtimestamp",

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