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在执行放大操作的 aws-amplify-admin 意外删除后恢复对放大应用程序的访问

[英]Restore access to amplify app after aws-amplify-admin that performs the amplify operations accidentally deleted

I accidentally deleted the user pool with the user that performs all the amplify operations.我不小心删除了执行所有放大操作的用户所在的用户池。 Named aws-amplify-admin, which I believe, created automatically once I have created the amplify app.名为 aws-amplify-admin,我相信它会在我创建 amplify 应用程序后自动创建。 When there is no user I can't access the app through the console nor through the cli.当没有用户时,我无法通过控制台或 cli 访问该应用程序。

How can I recover from this situation?我怎样才能从这种情况中恢复过来?

Disabling and re-enable the studio.禁用并重新启用工作室。 This should recreate the amplify-backend-manger user pool with the aws-amplify-admin user.这应该使用 aws-amplify-admin 用户重新创建 amplify-backend-manger 用户池。 Like show in this image就像这张图片中的节目

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