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[英]Restore amplify backend environment

I've gotten an Amplify project dropped in my lap where the backend environment is deleted (or lost when the project were moved to another account).我有一个 Amplify 项目落在我的腿上,其中后端环境被删除(或者当项目被移动到另一个帐户时丢失)。

I haven't worked with Amplify before, so I'm not sure how "automatic" everything is.我以前没有使用过 Amplify,所以我不确定一切是多么“自动”。

I noticed that the project has a folder called 'amplify-backup' which contain a bunch of json and graphql config files, so I assumed that I could use those somehow to restore the backend environment in AWS, but I can't seem to find any information on how to do so.我注意到该项目有一个名为“amplify-backup”的文件夹,其中包含一堆 json 和 graphql 配置文件,所以我假设我可以以某种方式使用这些来恢复 AWS 中的后端环境,但我似乎无法找到有关如何这样做的任何信息。

There's currently no backend environment in the AWS console and I don't really know which services the backend environment should contain. AWS控制台目前没有后端环境,也不知道后端环境应该包含哪些服务。 Is it possible to restore the backend environment and all the services that the application need or do I need to figure out which services are needed?是否可以恢复后端环境和应用程序需要的所有服务,或者我需要弄清楚需要哪些服务? If so, any pointers on how to find which services that are used?如果是这样,关于如何找到使用哪些服务的任何指示?

If the project files still exist (amplify directory), you may be able to re-create the project with the existing resources.如果项目文件仍然存在(放大目录),您可以使用现有资源重新创建项目。

One idea could be to clone the git repository from when the amplify project files were intact and run amplify init一种想法是从 amplify 项目文件完好无损并运行amplify init时克隆 git 存储库


amplify-backup is generally generated automatically when doing commands with amplify. amplify-backup通常在使用 amplify 执行命令时自动生成。 You could try rename to amplify and run amplify init .您可以尝试重命名以amplify并运行amplify init

See more here for re-creating an amplify project on another account:https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/migration/cli-migrate-aws-account/在此处查看有关在另一个帐户上重新创建放大项目的更多信息:https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/migration/cli-migrate-aws-account/

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