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[英]Are there any good free/cheap Delphi grid controls?

I gave up on Delphi's DBGrid nearly a decade ago because it is simply no good. 近十年前我放弃了Delphi的DBGrid,因为它根本没有用。 Since then, I have used Virtual TreeView which offers a lot of value but it has a few issues. 从那以后,我使用了Virtual TreeView,它提供了很多价值,但它有一些问题。 Like the current state of development (eg None) and the fact that there is no good data-bound version. 像当前的开发状态(例如None)以及没有良好数据绑定版本的事实。 DevExpress's QuantumGrid is famous for the rich feature set but is really quite expensive. DevExpress的QuantumGrid以丰富的功能集而闻名,但实在是相当昂贵。 I reckon that its huge feature set is probably overkill for 95% of the general use cases for data-bound grid controls. 我认为,对于数据绑定网格控件的95%的一般用例,其巨大的功能集可能有点过分。

Does anyone know of a data-bound grid control that sports the following features: 有没有人知道具有以下功能的数据绑定网格控件:

  1. Checkboxes for boolean fields. 复选框表示布尔字段。 How obvious is that? 这有多明显?
  2. More effective way of dealing with editors, ie no need to click three or four times to get the pick list to show. 处理编辑器的更有效方法,即无需单击三次或四次即可显示选择列表。
  3. Has to be data-bound. 必须是数据绑定的。
  4. Modern-looking. 现代的前瞻性。 Possibly using XP themes, but being skinnable is preferable. 可能使用XP主题,但最好是可换肤。
  5. Flexible owner-drawing. 灵活的所有者绘图。 This is one of the great features of Virtual Treeview - you can literally replace any part of the cell drawing without upsetting the rest. 这是Virtual Treeview的一个重要功能 - 您可以直接替换单元格绘图的任何部分而不会破坏其余部分。 Painting is done in a series of layers, and you opt to replace only the layers you need to modify. 绘画是在一系列图层中完成的,您选择仅替换需要修改的图层。
  6. Wrappable lines, or at least tooltips that pop up and show the content that has been truncated for display. 可弹奏线,或至少弹出工具提示并显示已截断显示的内容。

I seldom use editing within a grid control, so the editing features need not be fantastic. 我很少在网格控件中使用编辑,因此编辑功能不一定非常棒。

Any good suggestions? 有什么好建议吗?

Virtual TreeView is very much alive and development is continuing. Virtual TreeView非常活跃,开发工作仍在继续。 See its new home here: http://code.google.com/p/virtual-treeview/ 在此处查看新家: http//code.google.com/p/virtual-treeview/

NiceGrid NiceGrid


If you are using Delphi 6 or 7 you can get free NextGrid component, if you don't, you can buy the full version with source code for very low price, it's fast and has nice looking grid. 如果您使用的是Delphi 6或7,您可以获得免费的NextGrid组件,如果您没有,您可以以非常低的价格购买带有源代码的完整版本,它速度快且具有漂亮的网格。

Oooppppsss! Oooppppsss!

It's already added. 它已经添加了。 Excuse-me. 对不起,我。

You can see this , from Scalabium . 你可以从Scalabium 看到这个
It's free and Sources included. 它是免费的,包括来源。 See the images at link. 请参阅链接中的图像。

Regards. 问候。

I also had some problems with the pricing of the DevExress Quantumgrid. 我也对DevExress Quantumgrid的定价有些问题。 However, if you are a serious Delphi developer and make a living out of it, I think the DevExpress controls are well worth the investment. 但是,如果您是一名认真的Delphi开发人员并以此为生,我认为DevExpress控件非常值得投资。 DevExp also seems to have picked up Delphi development once again. DevExp似乎也再次启动了Delphi开发。

I have had good luck with NextGrid. 我对NextGrid好运。

It is extremely fast and Boki (the developer) gives very good support. 它非常快,Boki(开发人员)提供了非常好的支持。

http://www.bergsoft.net/ http://www.bergsoft.net/

You could try ElTree that comes with the free SE Version of the LMD ElPack package: http://www.lmdinnovative.com/mfs/products/lmdelpack.php 您可以尝试免费的SE版LMD ElPack软件包附带的ElTree: http ://www.lmdinnovative.com/mfs/products/lmdelpack.php

It is described as: 它被描述为:

ElTree is a fully customizable visual component, that can represent virtually any type data (both in hierarchical and list forms). ElTree是一个完全可定制的可视组件,几乎可以表示任何类型的数据(分层和列表形式)。 It is excellent for exploring databases, directory structures, registries, or any other type of data that is built up like a tree. 它非常适合探索数据库,目录结构,注册表或像树一样构建的任何其他类型的数据。 You don't need to use the combination of TTreeView and TListView anymore - TElTree gives you all their power. 您不再需要使用TTreeView和TListView的组合 - TElTree为您提供所有功能。 ElTree is also very useful for building multi-columned list boxes, radio groups and CheckLists. ElTree对于构建多列列表框,无线电组和检查列表也非常有用。 And it adds full Unicode support. 它增加了完整的Unicode支持。

I've been using ElTree in my application for many years, both as as tree in one part of the program, and as a grid in several other parts. 我已经在我的应用程序中使用ElTree多年了,无论是作为程序的一部分中的树,还是作为其他几个部分中的网格。 I took a look a while back at Virtual TreeView, but I saw no compelling reason to change. 我在Virtual TreeView上看了一会儿,但我没有看到任何令人信服的改变理由。

LMD ElPack SE is designed for users, who are interested in the ElTree component only. LMD ElPack SE专为仅对ElTree组件感兴趣的用户而设计。 I think it meets all your qualifications. 我认为它符合您的所有资格。

Its last supported IDE is Delphi 2006. If you need it for Delphi 2009, you would need to upgrade to one of their non-free packages. 它最后支持的IDE是Delphi 2006.如果您需要Delphi 2009,则需要升级到其中一个非免费软件包。

See also the question: What is the best GRID and TREE control: and also my answer to that question . 另请参阅问题: 什么是最好的GRID和TREE控制:以及我对该问题的回答

If we'd been voting I'd say TSMDBGrid. 如果我们投票,我会说TSMDBGrid。 İt is almost perfect. İt几乎是完美的。 Just a few days ago I checked its source code to see how it uses the filter edit (to exploit it, of course). 就在几天前,我检查了它的源代码,看看它是如何使用过滤器编辑的(当然是为了利用它)。

It is free too. 它也是免费的。


TMS Software have a data aware version of there TAdvStringGrid component. TMS Software拥有TAdvStringGrid组件的数据感知版本。

You can download a trial and there are some sample applications for the TDBAdvGrid available. 您可以下载试用版,并且可以使用TDBAdvGrid的一些示例应用程序

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