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[英]Find all ASP.NET controls matching a predicate?

I need to enumerate over a collection of controls - regardless of their nesting level - that match a given predicate. 我需要枚举与给定谓词匹配的控件集合(无论其嵌套级别如何)。

Originally the problem occurred, when I needed to set all textbox's in a grids row to ReadOnly , if a column in that row indicated that the record should not be editable. 最初,当我需要将网格行中的所有文本框设置为ReadOnly ,出现问题,如果该行中的某一列指示该记录不可编辑。

Later I realized, that I already solved a problem in the past very much like this one, only with a different criteria (find a single control recursively by its ID). 后来我意识到,过去我已经解决了一个非常类似的问题,只是使用不同的条件(通过ID递归地找到一个控件)。

After trying a few alternatives I came up with a general solution that works. 在尝试了几种选择之后,我想出了一个通用的解决方案。 But since I will use this method very often, I wanted to gather possible improvements. 但是由于我将经常使用此方法,因此我想收集可能的改进。

This method will return all child controls matching a predicate: 此方法将返回所有与谓词匹配的子控件:

 public static IEnumerable<T> FindChildControls<T>(this Control parentControl, Predicate<Control> predicate) where T : Control { foreach (Control item in parentControl.Controls) { if (predicate(item)) yield return (T)item; foreach (T child in item.FindChildControls<T>(predicate)) { yield return child; } } } 

Using this method I can do the following: 使用此方法,我可以执行以下操作:

var allTxt = Page.FindChildControls<TextBox>(c => c is TextBox);
var submit = Page.FindChildControls<Button>(c => c.ID == "btnSubmit").First();

You can use a queue to get rid of recursion if you want. 如果需要,您可以使用队列摆脱递归。

        public static IEnumerable<T> FindChildControls<T>(Control parentControl,
        Predicate<Control> predicate) where T : Control
            Queue<Control> q = new Queue<Control>();

            foreach (Control item in parentControl.Controls)

            while (q.Count > 0)
                Control item = q.Dequeue();
                if (predicate(item))
                    yield return (T)item;

                foreach (Control child in item.Controls)


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