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Radix Sort用C ++实现

[英]Radix Sort implemented in C++

I am trying to improve my C++ by creating a program that will take a large amount of numbers between 1 and 10^6. 我试图通过创建一个程序来改进我的C ++,该程序需要1到10 ^ 6之间的大量数字。 The buckets that will store the numbers in each pass is an array of nodes (where node is a struct I created containing a value and a next node attribute). 将在每次传递中存储数字的存储桶是一个节点数组(其中node是我创建的包含值和下一个节点属性的结构)。

After sorting the numbers into buckets according to the least significant value, I have the end of one bucket point to the beginning of another bucket (so that I can quickly get the numbers being stored without disrupting the order). 根据最低有效值将数字排序到桶中后,我将一个桶的末尾指向另一个桶的开头(这样我可以快速获取存储的数字而不会中断订单)。 My code has no errors (either compile or runtime), but I've hit a wall regarding how I am going to solve the remaining 6 iterations (since I know the range of numbers). 我的代码没有错误(编译或运行时),但我已经找到了解决剩下的6次迭代的问题(因为我知道数字的范围)。

The problem that I'm having is that initially the numbers were supplied to the radixSort function in the form of a int array. 我遇到的问题是,最初这些数字是以int数组的形式提供给radixSort函数的。 After the first iteration of the sorting, the numbers are now stored in the array of structs. 在排序的第一次迭代之后,数字现在存储在结构数组中。 Is there any way that I could rework my code so that I have just one for loop for the 7 iterations, or will I need one for loop that will run once, and another loop below it that will run 6 times before returning the completely sorted list? 有没有什么方法可以重新编写我的代码,以便我只有一个for循环进行7次迭代,或者我需要一个for循环,它将运行一次,而另一个循环下面将运行6次,然后返回完全排序清单?

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

struct node
    int value;
    node *next; 

//The 10 buckets to store the intermediary results of every sort
node *bucket[10];
//This serves as the array of pointers to the front of every linked list
node *ptr[10];
//This serves as the array of pointer to the end of every linked list
node *end[10];
node *linkedpointer;
node *item;
node *temp;

void append(int value, int n)
    node *temp; 
    item=new node;
        cout << "Bucket " << n << " is empty" <<endl;
        cout << "Bucket " << n << " is not empty" <<endl;

bool isBucketEmpty(int n){
        return false;
        return true;
//print the contents of all buckets in order
void printBucket(){
    int i=0;
        else break;

        cout << temp->value <<endl;

void radixSort(int *list, int length){
    int i,j,k,l;
    int x;
        bucket[i]=new node;
        ptr[i]=new node;
        end[i]=new node;
    linkedpointer=new node;

    //Perform radix sort
        }//End of insertion loop

        //Linking loop: Link end of one linked list to the front of another
            if(isBucketEmpty(l) && l!=9)
            if(!isBucketEmpty(k) && !isBucketEmpty(l)){
                if(l!=9) l++;   

        }//End of linking for loop

        cout << "Print results" <<endl;

        cout << "End of iteration" <<endl;
    }//End of radix sort loop

int main(){
    int testcases,i,input;
    cin >> testcases;
    int list[testcases];
    int *ptr=&list[0];

    return 0;

I think you're severely overcomplicating your solution. 我认为你的解决方案非常复杂。 You can implement radix using the single array received in the input, with the buckets in each step represented by an array of indices that mark the starting index of each bucket in the input array. 您可以使用输入中接收的单个数组实现基数,每个步骤中的存储桶由一个索引数组表示,这些索引标记输入数组中每个存储桶的起始索引。

In fact, you could even do it recursively: 事实上,你甚至可以递归地做到这一点:

// Sort 'size' number of integers starting at 'input' according to the 'digit'th digit
// For the parameter 'digit', 0 denotes the least significant digit and increases as significance does
void radixSort(int* input, int size, int digit)
    if (size == 0)

    int[10] buckets;    // assuming decimal numbers

    // Sort the array in place while keeping track of bucket starting indices.
    // If bucket[i] is meant to be empty (no numbers with i at the specified digit),
    // then let bucket[i+1] = bucket[i]

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        radixSort(input + buckets[i], buckets[i+1] - buckets[i], digit+1);

Of course buckets[i+1] - buckets[i] will cause a buffer overflow when i is 9, but I omitted the extra check or readability's sake; 当然buckets[i+1] - buckets[i]会在i为9时导致缓冲区溢出,但我省略了额外的检查或可读性; I trust you know how to handle that. 我相信你知道如何处理。

With that, you just have to call radixSort(testcases, sizeof(testcases) / sizeof(testcases[0]), 0) and your array should be sorted. 有了它,你只需要调用radixSort(testcases, sizeof(testcases) / sizeof(testcases[0]), 0) ,你的数组应该被排序。

To speed up the process with better memory management, create a matrix for the counts that get converted into indices by making a single pass over the array. 为了通过更好的内存管理加快进程,通过在数组上进行一次传递,为计数转换为索引创建一个矩阵。 Allocate a second temp array the same size as the original array, and radix sort between the two arrays until the array is sorted. 分配与原始数组大小相同的第二个临时数组,并在两个数组之间进行基数排序,直到对数组进行排序。 If an odd number of radix sort passes is performed, then the temp array will need to be copied back to the original array at the end. 如果执行奇数个基数排序,则需要将temp数组复制回最后的原始数组。

To further speed up the process, use base 256 instead of base 10 for the radix sort. 要进一步加快处理速度,请使用base 256而不是base 10作为基数排序。 This only takes 1 scan pass to create the matrix and 4 radix sort passes to do the sort. 这只需要1次扫描传递来创建矩阵和4个基数排序传递来进行排序。 Example code: 示例代码:

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

uint32_t * RadixSort(uint32_t * a, size_t count)
size_t mIndex[4][256] = {0};            // count / index matrix
uint32_t * b = new uint32_t [COUNT];    // allocate temp array
size_t i,j,m,n;
uint32_t u;
    for(i = 0; i < count; i++){         // generate histograms
        u = a[i];
        for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){
            mIndex[j][(size_t)(u & 0xff)]++;
            u >>= 8;
    for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){             // convert to indices
        m = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < 256; i++){
            n = mIndex[j][i];
            mIndex[j][i] = m;
            m += n;
    for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){             // radix sort
        for(i = 0; i < count; i++){     //  sort by current lsb
            u = a[i];
            m = (size_t)(u>>(j<<3))&0xff;
            b[mIndex[j][m]++] = u;
        std::swap(a, b);                //  swap ptrs
    delete[] b;

Since your values are ints in the range of 0 ... 1,000,000 由于您的值的整数范围为0 ... 1,000,000

You can create a int array of of size 1,000,001, and do the whole thing in two passes 你可以创建一个大小为1,000,001的int数组,并在两遍中完成整个过程

Init the second array to all zeros. 将第二个数组初始化为全零。

Make a pass through your input array, and use the value as a subscript to increment the value in the second array. 对输入数组进行传递,并使用该值作为下标来增加第二个数组中的值。

Once you do that then the second pass is easy. 一旦你这样做,那么第二遍很容易。 walk through the second array, and each element tells you how many times that number appeared in the original array. 遍历第二个数组,每个元素告诉您该数字在原始数组中出现的次数。 Use that information to repopulate your input array. 使用该信息重新填充输入数组。

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