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Radix排序C ++分配

[英]Radix Sort C++ Assignment

I have a problem with my homework assignment and I do not know where I went wrong with it. 我的家庭作业有问题,我不知道我哪里出错了。 I have to design a function for radix sort with aa buckets and k rounds. 我必须设计一个带有桶和k轮的基数排序功能。 I need to preserve the sequence of the list items in the bucket and therefore I need to keep two points for each bucket - to front and rear. 我需要保留桶中列表项的顺序,因此我需要为每个桶保留两个点 - 前后。 However, when I compile my code and run my test code with 10 numbers that need to be sorted, my output contains only 3 numbers. 但是,当我编译我的代码并运行我需要排序的10个数字的测试代码时,我的输出只包含3个数字。 If its 20 numbers, it prints only 2. Can you help me please? 如果它的20个数字,它只打印2.你能帮我吗? This is my code and thank you for your time. 这是我的代码,谢谢你的时间。 Edit: by leastSigDig i mean Significant Digit i have to change that because its a bad name 编辑:至少SigDig我的意思是重要的数字我必须改变它,因为它的名字不好

#include <cstdlib> // Provides size_t and NULL
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

struct listnode { struct listnode * next;
                  unsigned long     value; } ;

struct listnode *radixsort (struct listnode *data, int a, int k){
    struct listnode *front [a], *rear [a], *cursor;
    int i=0 , j = 0, leastSigDig,base10num;
    if (data == NULL) {return data;}

    for (i;i<k;i++){
        base10num= pow(a,i);
        cursor = data;
        for (j=0; j<a; j++){
            front [j] = NULL;
            rear [j] = NULL;
        while (cursor != NULL){
            leastSigDig = ((cursor->value)/base10num)%a;
            if (rear [leastSigDig]!= NULL){
                rear[leastSigDig]->next= cursor;
                rear [leastSigDig]= cursor;
            else if (cursor == NULL) {
                rear [leastSigDig] = cursor;
            cursor = cursor->next;

            cursor = NULL;
for (int y=0; y< a-1; y++){
    int z= y+1;
    if (front [y] == NULL)
    else if (cursor == NULL){
            cursor = front [y];
            rear [y]->next = front [z];
    else if (cursor != NULL) 
            rear [y]->next = front [z];

    data = cursor;
    return data;

int main(void)
    long i, length=10;
    long a = 10; // working with base 10
    long k = log10(length*a);
    struct listnode *node, *space;
    space =  (struct listnode *) malloc(length*sizeof(struct listnode));
    for( i=0; i< length; i++ ) {
        (space + i)->value = 2*((17*i)%length);
        (space + i)->next = space + (i+1);
    (space+(length-1))->next = NULL;
    node = space;
    struct listnode * temp =node;
    cout<<endl<<"List before radixsort\n" <<endl ;
        cout << temp->value << "\t";
        temp = temp->next;

    node = radixsort(node,a,k);

    listnode *check = node;
    cout << "\n\nList after radixsort \n\n";
    while (check)
        cout << check->value << "\t";
        check = check->next;
    cout << "\n\n";

There is at least one problem here: 这里至少有一个问题:

int y= 0;

for (int y; y< a-1; y++){

The variable y in the for loop shadows the y in the outer scope. for循环中的变量y 遮蔽外部范围中的y This means the y inside the loop is uninitialized and you are off into the weeds. 这意味着循环内部的y未初始化,您将进入杂草。

You should turn up the compiler warning level and pay attention to what it says. 您应该调高编译器警告级别并注意它所说的内容。

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