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rand()不服从Qt Creator中的srand()

[英]rand() doesn't obey srand() in Qt Creator

I've written a program in Qt Creator 1.0.0 (Qt version 4.5.0) where at the beginning of main() function I've put 我在Qt Creator 1.0.0(Qt版本4.5.0)中编写了一个程序,在main()函数的开头我放了


Then I'm calling rand() from another thread (subclass of QThread). 然后我从另一个线程(QThread的子类)调用rand()。 In that function, rand() is producing same sequence of numbers each time I'm running the program. 在该函数中,每次运行程序时,rand()都会生成相同的数字序列。 I'm not running the program multiple times in a second. 我没有在一秒钟内多次运行该程序。

Why is this happening? 为什么会这样?


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