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[英]Extending F# List Module

I've been adding a few handy methods to some of the F# modules such as List. 我一直在为一些F#模块添加一些方便的方法,比如List。

type Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList<'a> with          //'
    static member iterWhile (f:'a -> bool) (ls:'a list) = 
        let rec iterLoop f ls = 
            match ls with
            | head :: tail -> if f head then iterLoop f tail
            | _ -> ()
        iterLoop f ls

and i'm wondering if it's possible to add mutation? 我想知道是否可以添加突变? I know List is immutable so how about adding a mutable method to Ref of type List. 我知道List是不可变的,那么如何向Ref类型List添加一个可变方法。 Something like this. 像这样的东西。

type Ref<'a when 'a :> Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList<'a> > with //'
    member this.AppendMutate element =
        this := element :: !this

or is there some way to constrain a generic to only accept a mutable? 或者是否有某种方法来约束泛型只接受一个可变的?

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be possible to add extension members to closed constructed types (eg Ref<int> or Seq<string> ). 不幸的是,似乎不可能将扩展成员添加到封闭的构造类型(例如Ref<int>Seq<string> )。 This also applies to the code you're trying to use, since you're substituting the more specific type 'a list for the generic parameter 'T of the open generic Ref<'T> type. 这也适用于你想使用的代码,因为你替换更具体的类型'a list的泛型参数'T的开放通用的Ref<'T>类型。

Generic extension methods are now available in F# 3.1: 现在可以在F#3.1中使用通用扩展方法:

open System.Runtime.CompilerServices

type Utils () =
    static member inline AppendMutate(ref: Ref<List<'a>>, elt) = ref := elt :: !ref

let ls = ref [1..10]


printfn "%A" ls

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