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[英]Ruby: counting digits in a float number

Is there any worthy Ruby method to count the number of digits in a float? 是否有任何有价值的Ruby方法来计算浮点数的位数? Also, how do I specify the precise when to_s float numbers? 另外,如何指定to_s浮点数的精确时间?

# Number of digits

12345.23.to_s.split("").size -1 #=> 7

# The precious part

("." + 12345.23.to_s.split(".")[1]).to_f #=> .023

# I would rather used 
# 12345.23 - 12345.23.to_i 
# but this gives 0.22999999999563

to specify precision of a float in Ruby. 在Ruby中指定float的精度。 you can use the round method. 你可以使用圆形方法。


2 is the precision. 2是精度。

53.819.round(2) -> 53.82


number_with_precision(13, :precision => 5) # => 13.00000

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