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[英]C: copying struct/array elements

I have a file in a known format and I want to convert it to a new format, eg.: 我有一个已知格式的文件,我想将其转换为新格式,例如:

struct foo {
    char            bar[256];

struct old_format {
    char            name[128];
    struct foo      data[16];

struct new_format {
    int             nr;
    char            name[128];
    struct foo      data[16];

static struct old_format old[10];
static struct new_format new[10];

Problem: after filling 'old' with the data I don't know how to copy its content to 'new'. 问题:用数据填充“旧”后,我不知道如何将其内容复制到“新”。 If I do 如果我做

new[0].name = old[0].name;
new[0].data = old[0].data;

I get a compile error about assigning char * to char[128] (struct foo * to struct foo[16], respectively). 我收到关于将char *分配给char [128](分别将struct foo *分配给struct foo [16])的编译错误。

I tried a solution I found via Google for the string part: 我尝试了通过Google针对字符串部分找到的解决方案:

strcpy (new[0].name, old[0].name);
new[0].data = old[0].data;

but I have no idea how to handle the struct. 但我不知道如何处理该结构。 Seems I lack basic understanding of how to handle arrays but I don't want to learn C - I just need to complete this task. 似乎我对如何处理数组缺乏基本的了解,但是我不想学习C-我只需要完成此任务即可。

If you don't want to learn C, you should be able to read the old file format in any language with a half-decent IO library. 如果您不想学习C,则应该可以使用任何具有半透明IO库的语言阅读旧文件格式。

To complete what you're trying to do in C, you could use memcpy. 为了完成您要在C中完成的工作,可以使用memcpy。

So instead of: 所以代替:

new[0].data = old[0].data;

Use 采用

memcpy(new[0].data, old[0].data, sizeof(foo) * 16);

You can also wrap the C arrays in a struct . 您也可以将C数组包装在struct Then copying elements will copy the array automatically. 然后,复制元素将自动复制数组。

typedef struct {
    char name[100];
} name_array_t;

struct {
    name_array_t name_struct;
} x;

struct {
    name_array_t name_struct;
    ... other members ...
} y;

x.name_struct = y.name_struct;

(too obvious solution may be) (解决方案可能太明显了)

As we are dealing with the array, we can not do this kind of operation 当我们处理数组时,我们无法执行此类操作

new.name = old.name; new.name = old.name;

so i suppose you have to write a function 所以我想你必须写一个函数

void Function (char *name , struct new_format *new ); void Function(char * name,struct new_format * new); where you need to assign charecter one by one. 您需要一个一个地分配字符。

Obviously you will Call like this : Function (old.name , &new) 显然,您将这样调用:Function(old.name,&new)

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