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在SQL Reporting Services中调试分页

[英]Debugging Paging in Sql Reporting Services

I'm working on my first significant Sql Reporting Services project and am having problems with paging. 我正在做我的第一个重要的Sql Reporting Services项目,并且分页有问题。 Most of the reports are already working. 大多数报告已经在工作。

What is happening is that I"m getting different numbers and locations of page breaks between Web Reportviewer, PDF and Word documents. The word is the closest, but none of the three are really correct. 发生的情况是,Web Reportviewer,PDF和Word文档之间的分页符数量和位置不同。这个词是最接近的,但三个都不是正确的。

I've looked for the for the obvious like extra paging and making sure the report does not go outside of the left or right margins. 我一直在寻找明显的额外分页,并确保报告不会超出左边距或右边距。 My problem is that I'm not sure how to go about troubleshooting reports that pages that do not break in the correct location. 我的问题是我不确定如何解决故障报告中那些没有在正确位置中断的页面。

Does anyone have a suggestion where to start? 有人建议从哪里开始吗?

I'm using VS2008, SQL2008 DE on Vista Dev box. 我在Vista Dev框上使用VS2008,SQL2008 DE。

This isn't really a problem - the different renderers are rendering the report appropriately for their output. 这并不是真正的问题-不同的渲染器根据其输出适当地渲染报表。 The web viewer is optimised for screen-based reading and generally allows more content per page than the PDF viewer does as the PDF viewer is constrained by the paper size that it formats to. Web查看器针对基于屏幕的阅读进行了优化,并且与PDF查看器相比,每页通常允许更多的内容,因为PDF查看器受其格式化的纸张尺寸的限制。 Thus you get more pages when rendering for PDF than web; 因此,为PDF渲染时,您获得的页面多于网络。 however, the content of the report is exactly the same. 但是,报告的内容完全相同。

The best illustration of this is the Excel renderer - the Excel renderer renders the entire report onto a single worksheet in most cases (for reports with grouping and page breaks set on the group footer it will render each group on its own worksheet). 最好的说明就是Excel渲染器-在大多数情况下,Excel渲染器将整个报告呈现到单个工作表上(对于在组页脚上设置了分组和分页符的报告,它将在每个工作表上呈现每个组)。 You wouldn't want the Excel renderer to artificially create worksheets to try to paginate your report. 您不希望Excel渲染器人为地创建工作表来尝试对报告进行分页。 It does the appropriate thing which is to include all the data in one big worksheet even though that may be logically thought of as one big "page". 它所做的是适当的事情,即将所有数据包含在一个大工作表中,即使在逻辑上可以将其视为一个大“页面”。

The web renderer page length is determined by the InteractiveHeight attribute of the report (in the InteractiveSize property in the Properties pane for the report) but the interactive height is an approximation rather than a fixed page break setting and your page breaks may still not conform to the PDF version even though the InteractiveHeight is set to the same length as your target page length. Web渲染器页面的长度由报表的InteractiveHeight属性确定(在报表的“属性”窗格中的InteractiveSize属性中),但交互高度是近似值,而不是固定的分页符设置,并且分页符可能仍不符合PDF版本,即使InteractiveHeight设置为与目标页面长度相同的长度。

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