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[英]what is the c# equivalent of Iterator in Java

I am manually converting Java to C# and have the following code: 我手动将Java转换为C#并具有以下代码:

for (Iterator<SGroup> theSGroupIterator = SGroup.getSGroupIterator();
    SGroup nextSGroup = theSGroupIterator.next();

Is there an equivalent of Iterator<T> in C# or is there a better C# idiom? 在C#中是否有等效的Iterator<T> ,还是有更好的C#成语?

The direct equivalent in C# would be IEnumerator<T> and the code would look something like this: C#中的直接等价物是IEnumerator<T> ,代码看起来像这样:

SGroup nextSGroup;
using(IEnumerator<SGroup> enumerator = SGroup.GetSGroupEnumerator())
        nextSGroup = enumerator.Current;

However the idiomatic way would be: 然而,惯用的方式是:

foreach(SGroup group in SGroup.GetSGroupIterator())

and have GetSGroupIterator return an IEnumerable<T> (and probably rename it to GetSGroups() or similar). 并让GetSGroupIterator返回一个IEnumerable<T> (并可能将其重命名为GetSGroups()或类似)。

In .NET in general, you are going to use the IEnumerable<T> interface. 在.NET中,您将使用IEnumerable<T>接口。 This will return an IEnumerator<T> which you can call the MoveNext method and Current property on to iterate through the sequence. 这将返回一个IEnumerator<T> ,您可以调用MoveNext方法和Current属性来迭代序列。

In C#, the foreach keyword does all of this for you. 在C#中,foreach关键字为您完成所有这些操作。 Examples of how to use foreach can be found here: 有关如何使用foreach的示例,请访问:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ttw7t8t6(VS.80).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ttw7t8t6(VS.80).aspx


Even though this is supported by C# via IEnumerator/IEnumerable, there is a better idiom: foreach 即使C#通过IEnumerator / IEnumerable支持它,也有一个更好的习语:foreach

foreach (SGroup nextSGroup in items)

for details, see MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664754(VS.71).aspx 有关详细信息,请参阅MSDN: http//msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664754(VS.71).aspx

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