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[英]How to check password strenth in asp.net?

I want to check the strength of the password entered by user during registration. 我想检查用户在注册过程中输入的密码强度。 I have to make some regular expression for it. 我必须为此做一些正则表达式。 Any Insights. 任何见解。

Why not use the PasswodStrength control in Ajax control toolkit? 为什么不在Ajax控件工具箱中使用PasswodStrength控件

PasswordStrength is an ASP.NET AJAX extender that can be attached to an ASP.NET TextBox control used for the entry of passwords. PasswordStrength是一个ASP.NET AJAX扩展程序,可以附加到用于输入密码的ASP.NET TextBox控件上。 The PasswordStrength extender shows the strength of the password in the TextBox and updates itself as the user types the password. PasswordStrength扩展程序在TextBox中显示密码的强度,并在用户键入密码时自动更新。 The indicator can display the strength of the password as a text message or with a progress bar indicator. 该指示器可以将密码的强度显示为文本消息或带有进度条指示器。 .... ....

I'm using this ( http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/javascript-password-validator ) script for password validation. 我正在使用此( http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/javascript-password-validator )脚本进行密码验证。

I've extended this script to a Extender Control: 我已经将此脚本扩展到了Extender控件:

    public class PasswordValidatorExtender : ExtenderControl
        public PasswordValidatorExtender()

        public int MinPasswordLength
            get { return (int?)ViewState["MinPasswordLength"] ?? 0; }
            set { ViewState["MinPasswordLength"] = value; }

        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptDescriptor> GetScriptDescriptors(Control targetControl)
            ScriptControlDescriptor desc = new ScriptControlDescriptor("MyNamespace.PasswordValidator", targetControl.ClientID);
            desc.AddProperty("MinPasswordLength", MinPasswordLength);
            yield return desc;

        protected override IEnumerable<ScriptReference> GetScriptReferences()
            string url = Page.ResolveUrl("~/scripts/PasswordValidator.js");
            yield return new ScriptReference(url);

/// <reference name="MicrosoftAjax.js"/>


MyNamespace.PasswordValidator = function(element) {


    MyNamespace.PasswordValidator.initializeBase(this, [element]);

MyNamespace.PasswordValidator.prototype = {
    initialize: function() {
        MyNamespace.PasswordValidator.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

        var element = this.get_element();
        this._onTextChangedHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onTextChanged);
        $addHandler(element, "change", this._onTextChangedHandler);
        $addHandler(element, "keyup", this._onTextChangedHandler);
    dispose: function() {        
        //Benutzerdefinierte Löschaktionen hier einfügen
        MyNamespace.PasswordValidator.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');
    // Properties
    get_MinPasswordLength: function() {
        return this._minPasswordLength;
    set_MinPasswordLength: function(val) {
        this._minPasswordLength = val;
    // Events
    _onTextChanged: function(e) {
        var element = this.get_element();
        var txt = e.target.value;        
        var style = '';
        if (this.validatePassword(txt, { length: [this._minPasswordLength, Infinity], numeric: 1, special: 1, upper: 1 }))
            style = 'PasswordValidator_Best';
        else if (this.validatePassword(txt, { length: [this._minPasswordLength, Infinity], numeric: 1, upper: 1 }))
            style = 'PasswordValidator_Good';
            style = 'PasswordValidator_Weak';

        removeCSSClass(element, 'PasswordValidator_Weak');
        removeCSSClass(element, 'PasswordValidator_Good');
        removeCSSClass(element, 'PasswordValidator_Best');

        if(style != '')
            Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(element, style);
    // http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/javascript-password-validator
    Password Validator 0.1
    (c) 2007 Steven Levithan <stevenlevithan.com>
    MIT License
    validatePassword: function (pw, options) {
        // default options (allows any password)
        var o = {
            lower:    0,
            upper:    0,
            alpha:    0, /* lower + upper */
            numeric:  0,
            special:  0,
            length:   [0, Infinity],
            custom:   [ /* regexes and/or functions */ ],
            badWords: [],
            badSequenceLength: 0,
            noQwertySequences: false,
            noSequential:      false

        for (var property in options)
            o[property] = options[property];

        var re = {
                lower:   /[a-z]/g,
                upper:   /[A-Z]/g,
                alpha:   /[A-Z]/gi,
                numeric: /[0-9]/g,
                special: /[\W_]/g
            rule, i;

        // enforce min/max length
        if (pw.length < o.length[0] || pw.length > o.length[1])
            return false;

        // enforce lower/upper/alpha/numeric/special rules
        for (rule in re) {
            if ((pw.match(re[rule]) || []).length < o[rule])
                return false;

        // enforce word ban (case insensitive)
        for (i = 0; i < o.badWords.length; i++) {
            if (pw.toLowerCase().indexOf(o.badWords[i].toLowerCase()) > -1)
                return false;

        // enforce the no sequential, identical characters rule
        if (o.noSequential && /([\S\s])\1/.test(pw))
            return false;

        // enforce alphanumeric/qwerty sequence ban rules
        if (o.badSequenceLength) {
            var lower   = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
                upper   = lower.toUpperCase(),
                numbers = "0123456789",
                qwerty  = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm",
                start   = o.badSequenceLength - 1,
                seq     = "_" + pw.slice(0, start);
            for (i = start; i < pw.length; i++) {
                seq = seq.slice(1) + pw.charAt(i);
                if (
                    lower.indexOf(seq)   > -1 ||
                    upper.indexOf(seq)   > -1 ||
                    numbers.indexOf(seq) > -1 ||
                    (o.noQwertySequences && qwerty.indexOf(seq) > -1)
                ) {
                    return false;

        // enforce custom regex/function rules
        for (i = 0; i < o.custom.length; i++) {
            rule = o.custom[i];
            if (rule instanceof RegExp) {
                if (!rule.test(pw))
                    return false;
            } else if (rule instanceof Function) {
                if (!rule(pw))
                    return false;

        // great success!
        return true;
MyNamespace.PasswordValidator.registerClass('MyNamespace.PasswordValidator', Sys.UI.Behavior);

if (typeof(Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();

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