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[英]Nested class forward declaration for template inheritance

What's the proper way to inherit from a template class with the template argument being a nested class within the inheriting class? 从模板类继承而模板参数是继承类中的嵌套类的正确方法是什么?

class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<NestedClass>
     class NestedClass {};

There's no way to do specifically that. 没有办法专门这样做。 If you really have to inherit from TemplateClass<NestedClass> , you'll have to move the NestedClass declaration out of SomeClass . 如果确实必须继承自TemplateClass<NestedClass> ,则必须将NestedClass声明移出SomeClass

I can't see how you could do this properly. 我看不到您如何正确执行此操作。 There is this: 有这个:

template<class T> class TemplateClass {};

class NestedClass {};

class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<NestedClass>
    typedef NestedClass NestedClass;

but that's just faking it... 但这只是伪装...

You must atleast forward declare the NestedClass: 您必须至少向前声明NestedClass:

class NestedClass;
template<class T> class TemplateClass{};
class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<NestedClass>
     class NestedClass{};

This works. 这可行。 Tested on MinGW c++ on windows. 在Windows上的MinGW c ++上进行了测试。

Update: @jon I tried the following on with gcc version 3.4.5 on Windows XP: 更新:@jon我在Windows XP的gcc版本3.4.5上尝试了以下操作:

#include <iostream>

class NestedClass;
template<class T> class TemplateClass{};
class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<NestedClass>
     class NestedClass{ 
        int a; 
        static int test(){ return 100; }
     NestedClass nc;

int main(){
 SomeClass sc;
 sc.nc.a = 10;
 std::cout<< sc.nc.a << std::endl;
 std::cout<< sc.nc.test() << std::endl;

And, I get the following output: 10 100 而且,我得到以下输出:10 100

But, I guess what the author intended (like @jon suggested) is actually this: 但是,我想作者的意图(像@jon建议的)实际上是这样的:

class SomeClass::NestedClass;
template<class T> class TemplateClass{};
class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<SomeClass::NestedClass>
     class NestedClass{};
     NestedClass nc;

And this does not work. 这是行不通的。 The reason being that to be able to declare SomeClass::NestedClass in the template specification, SomeClass should have been declared. 原因是为了能够在模板规范中声明SomeClass :: NestedClass,应该已经声明了SomeClass。 But, we are trying to do exactly that - hence we get a cyclic dependency. 但是,我们正试图做到这一点-因此我们得到了循环依赖。

So I guess @jon's answer best solves this problem. 所以我猜@jon的答案最能解决这个问题。

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