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[英]Using super with a class method

I'm trying to learn the super() function in Python. 我正在尝试学习Python中的super()函数。

I thought I had a grasp of it until I came over this example (2.6) and found myself stuck. 我以为我掌握了它,直到我看到这个例子(2.6)并发现自己卡住了。

http://www.cafepy.com/article/python_attributes_and_methods/python_attributes_and_methods.html#super-with-classmethod-example http://www.cafepy.com/article/python_attributes_and_methods/python_attributes_and_methods.html#super-with-classmethod-example

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 9, in do_something
    do_something = classmethod(do_something)
TypeError: unbound method do_something() must be called with B instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

It wasn't what I expected when I read this line right before the example: 当我在示例之前读到这一行时,这不是我的预期:

If we're using a class method, we don't have an instance to call super with. 如果我们使用类方法,我们没有一个实例来调用super。 Fortunately for us, super works even with a type as the second argument. 幸运的是,对于我们来说,super甚至可以使用类型作为第二个参数。 --- The type can be passed directly to super as shown below. ---类型可以直接传递给super,如下所示。

Which is exactly what Python tells me is not possible by saying that do_something() should be called with an instance of B. 通过说do_something()应该用B的实例调用,这正是Python告诉我的不可能。

Sometimes texts have to be read more for the flavor of the idea rather than for the details. 有时,文字必须更多地阅读,而不是细节。 This is one of those cases. 这是其中一个案例。

In the linked page , Examples 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 should all use one method, do_your_stuff . 链接页面中 ,示例do_your_stuff和2.7都应使用一个方法do_your_stuff (That is, do_something should be changed to do_your_stuff .) (也就是说, do_something应该更改为do_your_stuff 。)

In addition, as Ned Deily pointed out , A.do_your_stuff has to be a class method. 另外,正如Ned Deily指出的那样A.do_your_stuff必须是一种类方法。

class A(object):
    def do_your_stuff(cls):
        print 'This is A'

class B(A):
    def do_your_stuff(cls):
        super(B, cls).do_your_stuff()


super(B, cls).do_your_stuff returns a bound method (see footnote 2 ). super(B, cls).do_your_stuff返回一个绑定方法(见脚注2 )。 Since cls was passed as the second argument to super() , it is cls that gets bound to the returned method. 由于cls作为第二个参数传递给super() ,因此它是绑定到返回方法的cls In other words, cls gets passed as the first argument to the method do_your_stuff() of class A. 换句话说, cls作为A类方法do_your_stuff()的第一个参数传递。

To reiterate: super(B, cls).do_your_stuff() causes A 's do_your_stuff method to be called with cls passed as the first argument. 重申super(B, cls).do_your_stuff()super(B, cls).do_your_stuff()会导致调用Ado_your_stuff方法,并将cls作为第一个参数传递。 In order for that to work, A 's do_your_stuff has to be a class method. 为了实现这一点, Ado_your_stuff必须是一个类方法。 The linked page doesn't mention that, but that is definitively the case. 链接页面没有提到这一点,但确实如此。

PS. PS。 do_something = classmethod(do_something) is the old way of making a classmethod. do_something = classmethod(do_something)是制作classmethod的旧方法。 The new(er) way is to use the @classmethod decorator. 新的(呃)方法是使用@classmethod装饰器。

Note that super(B, cls) can not be replaced by super(cls, cls) . 请注意, super(B, cls)不能被super(cls, cls)替换。 Doing so could lead to infinite loops. 这样做可能会导致无限循环。 For example, 例如,

class A(object):
    def do_your_stuff(cls):
        print('This is A')

class B(A):
    def do_your_stuff(cls):
        print('This is B')
        # super(B, cls).do_your_stuff()  # CORRECT
        super(cls, cls).do_your_stuff()  # WRONG

class C(B):
    def do_your_stuff(cls):
        print('This is C')
        # super(C, cls).do_your_stuff()  # CORRECT
        super(cls, cls).do_your_stuff()  # WRONG


will raise RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object . 将引发RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

If cls is C , then super(cls, cls) searches C.mro() for the class that comes after C . 如果clsC ,则super(cls, cls) C.mro()搜索C之后的类。

In [161]: C.mro()
Out[161]: [__main__.C, __main__.B, __main__.A, object]

Since that class is B , when cls is C , super(cls, cls).do_your_stuff() always calls B.do_your_stuff . 由于该类是B ,当clsCsuper(cls, cls).do_your_stuff() 总是调用B.do_your_stuff Since super(cls, cls).do_your_stuff() is called inside B.do_your_stuff , you end up calling B.do_your_stuff in an infinite loop. 由于在B.do_your_stuff调用了super(cls, cls).do_your_stuff() ,因此最终在无限循环中调用B.do_your_stuff

In Python3, the 0-argument form of super was added so super(B, cls) could be replaced by super() , and Python3 will figure out from context that super() in the definition of class B should be equivalent to super(B, cls) . 在Python3中,添加了0参数形式的super ,因此super(B, cls)可以被super()替换,而Python3将从上下文中找出class B定义中的super()应该等于super(B, cls)

But in no circumstance is super(cls, cls) (or for similar reasons, super(type(self), self) ) ever correct. 但在任何情况下, super(cls, cls) (或类似的原因, super(type(self), self) )都是正确的。

In Python 3, you can skip specifying arguments for super , 在Python 3中,您可以跳过指定super参数,

class A:
    def f(cls):
        return "A's f was called."

class B(A):
    def f(cls):
        return super().f()

assert B.f() == "A's f was called."

I've updated the article to make it a bit clearer: Python Attributes and Methods # Super 我已经更新了这篇文章,使其更加清晰: Python属性和方法#Super

Your example using classmethod above shows what a class method is - it passes the class itself instead of the instance as the first parameter. 上面使用classmethod的示例显示了一个类方法 - 它将类本身而不是实例作为第一个参数传递。 But you don't even need an instance to call the method, for eg: 但是你甚至不需要一个实例来调用该方法,例如:

>>> class A(object):
...     @classmethod
...     def foo(cls):
...         print cls
>>> A.foo() # note this is called directly on the class
<class '__main__.A'>

The example from the web page seems to work as published. 网页上的示例似乎已发布。 Did you create a do_something method for the superclass as well but not make it into a classmethod? 您是否为超类创建了do_something方法,但没有将其变为类方法? Something like this will give you that error: 像这样的东西会给你这个错误:

>>> class A(object):
...     def do_something(cls):
...         print cls
... #   do_something = classmethod(do_something)
>>> class B(A):
...     def do_something(cls):
...         super(B, cls).do_something()
...     do_something = classmethod(do_something)
>>> B().do_something()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in do_something
TypeError: unbound method do_something() must be called with B instance as first argument (got nothing instead)

I think I've understood the point now thanks to this beatiful site and lovely community. 我想我已经理解了这一点,感谢这个美丽的网站和可爱的社区。

If you don't mind please correct me if I'm wrong on classmethods (which I am now trying to understand fully): 如果你不介意的话请纠正我,如果我在课堂方法上错了(我现在试图完全理解):

>>> class A(object):
...     def foo(cls):
...             print cls
...     foo = classmethod(foo)
>>> a = A()
>>> a.foo()
class '__main__.A'

# SAME AS ABOVE (With new @decorator)
>>> class A(object):
...     @classmethod
...     def foo(cls):
...             print cls
>>> a = A()
>>> a.foo()
class '__main__.A'

>>> class B(object):
...     def foo(self):
...             print self
>>> b = B()
>>> b.foo()
__main__.B object at 0xb747a8ec

I hope this illustration shows .. 我希望这个插图显示..

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