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Python super(Class,self).method vs super(Parent,self).method

[英]Python super(Class, self).method vs super(Parent, self).method

This question is derive from the following question , let's say class B extends class A 这个问题来自以下问题 ,比方说class B class A扩展了class A

class A(object):
  def do_work(self):
    print 123

class B(A):
  def do_work(self):
    super(B,self).do_work() # versus the next statement
    super(A,self).do_work() # what's the difference?

will call the do_work function as seen by the parent class of B - that is, A.do_work . 将调用do_work函数,如B的父类所见 - 即A.do_work


will call the do_work function as seen by the parent class of A - that is, object.do_work (which probably doesn't exist, and thus would likely raise an exception). 将调用do_work函数,如A的父类所示 - 即object.do_work (可能不存在,因此可能引发异常)。

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