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[英]Static struct linker error

I'm trying to create a static struct in C++: 我正在尝试在C ++中创建一个静态结构:

static struct Brushes
  static HBRUSH white ;
  static HBRUSH yellow ;
} ;

But its not working, I'm getting: 但它不起作用,我得到:

Error 4 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static struct HBRUSH__ * Brushes::white"

Why? 为什么?

The idea is to be able to use Brushes::white , Brushes::yellow throughout the program, without having to create an instance of Brushes . 我的想法是能够在整个程序中使用Brushes::whiteBrushes::yellow ,而无需创建Brushes实例。

You have to define the static members somewhere, usually in the .cxx file, eg: 您必须在某处定义静态成员,通常在.cxx文件中,例如:

HBRUSH Brushes::white;

The reason is that the header file doesn't make the definition, it only declares it. 原因是头文件没有定义,它只声明它。

You should remove the first static from the struct Brushes line. 您应该从struct Brushes行中删除第一个static Then you will need to define the initial values (and declare their memory) in a .cpp file as following: 然后,您需要在.cpp文件中定义初始值(并声明其内存),如下所示:

HBRUSH Brushes::white(some_init_value);
HBRUSH Brushes::yellow(some_init_value);

So you need: 所以你需要:

HBRUSH Brushes::white = xxxx;

somewhere in one of your source files. 在你的一个源文件中的某个地方。 And get rid of that initial static. 并摆脱那个初始的静态。

you do know about the stock objects in Win32 GDI, right? 你知道Win32 GDI中的库存对象,对吗?

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