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[英]dreamweaver for css and html?

im a pure backend programmer and i find it so difficult to position divs and add css styles. 我是一个纯粹的后端程序员,我发现放置div和添加CSS样式是如此困难。

what are your advices to make this as simple as possible for me? 您有什么建议对我来说尽可能简单?

use dreamweaver? 使用Dreamweaver? what can it help me with exactly. 它对我有什么帮助?

i have no idea how to add style to my prototype or handling positionings of divs and elements. 我不知道如何在原型中添加样式或如何处理div和元素的位置。 some guides? 一些指南? tools? 工具? softwares? 软件? online scripts? 在线脚本?

please all suggestions are welcome! 欢迎所有建议! guide me through...im all business logic and none design head. 指导我完成所有业务逻辑,没有设计负责人。

eg. 例如。 http://www.workey.se . http://www.workey.se how do you start with layout, design and all that stuff... 您如何从布局,设计和所有这些东西开始...

Depends exactly what you need to do, but learning the basics of css is pretty easy, mastering it is far more difficult of course. 完全取决于您需要执行的操作,但是学习css的基础知识很容易,但是掌握它当然要困难得多。 I'd suggest you just learn CSS and makes sure you get a decent browser add in like firebug so that you can see exactly what is going on. 我建议您只是学习CSS,并确保获得像Firebug这样的不错的浏览器插件,以便您可以准确地了解正在发生的事情。 I'm not a fan of dreamweaver personally. 我个人不是Dreamweaver的粉丝。

Dreamweaver is a good tool for initial design but I wouldn't recommend it for much more than that. Dreamweaver是用于初始设计的好工具,但我不推荐它。 Of course many people use it exclusively. 当然,许多人专门使用它。

Why not try some CSS framework like the 960 grid? 为什么不尝试使用960网格等CSS框架呢? It can help with positioning elements on the page and leave you to worry about the specific implementation of your design like fonts and colors. 它可以帮助您在页面上定位元素,而不必担心字体和颜色等设计的特定实现。

http://960.gs/ http://960.gs/

If you want simple page layouts something like YUI might help you. 如果您想要简单的页面布局,诸如YUI之类的内容可能会为您提供帮助。 It has a large collection of pre-built code for you to use. 它具有大量的预构建代码供您使用。 Particularly the Grid Builder is great for creating multiple sections to populate within pages. 特别是, Grid Builder非常适合创建要在页面内填充的多个部分。

As for tools as long as it has decent syntax highlighting any text editor would be fine. 至于工具,只要它具有不错的语法,则突出显示任何文本编辑器都可以。 Personally DreamWeaver tries too hard to 'help' and instead gets in the way but then I'm happier just with the raw mark-up. 就我个人而言,DreamWeaver太努力地寻求“帮助”,而成为障碍,但是我只是对原始标记感到满意。

I agree with some of the posts above, and empathize with the "pixel pushing" difficulties you might encounter when starting out. 我同意上面的一些帖子,并对刚开始时可能会遇到的“像素推动”困难感到同情。

I've been creating and recreating HTML layouts for about 5 years now, and after trying YUI, Google Blueprint, several css reset libraries, and my own home-brew layouts, I find YUI's grids, fonts, and resets are the most flexible and useful. 我已经创建和重新创建HTML布局已有大约5年了,在尝试使用YUI,Google Blueprint,几个CSS重置库以及自己的自制布局之后,我发现YUI的网格,字体和重置是最灵活的,有用。 Their templates are a little tricky, but only a little. 他们的模板有些棘手,但只有一点点。

Here's my answer to a very similar question (in case people would rather not click through to see the answer...if this is spamming or against the rules, please let me know and I will remove the answer) : 这是我对一个非常类似的问题的答案(以防人们不愿点击查看答案...如果这是垃圾邮件或违反规则,请告诉我,我将删除答案):


All of the above are excellent. 以上所有都是极好的。 Dreamweaver (imho) has the most complete set of features for designing pages (Adobe actually licensed some of the technology from TopStyle a while back to improve their feature set). Dreamweaver(imho)具有用于设计页面的最完整功能集(Adobe早前实际上已从TopStyle许可了某些技术以改善其功能集)。 And it has excellent validation built-in. 并且具有出色的内置验证功能。

Another FREE tool (remember, Dreamweaver will cost you at least a few hundred unless you steal it) is Aptana IDE. 另一个免费工具(记住,除非您盗用,Dreamweaver至少会花费您几百美元)是Aptana IDE。 It has most code completion options that Dreamweaver has, and similar validation tools. 它具有Dreamweaver拥有的大多数代码完成选项,以及类似的验证工具。

Aptana and Firebug plugin for Firefox make a pretty good combination. Aptana和Firefox的Firebug插件完美结合。 In addition, there are Firebug extensions and other Firefox plugins that are tremendously useful: 此外,还有Firebug扩展和其他Firefox插件,它们非常有用:

  • Pixel Perfect: allows you to add a semi-transparent background image to line up elements on a page (shows up as extra tab within the Firebug plugin). Pixel Perfect:允许您添加半透明的背景图像来排列页面上的元素(在Firebug插件中显示为额外的标签)。
  • Code Burner: adds html & css reference tab to firebug. Code Burner:将HTML和CSS参考标签添加到Firebug。
  • ColorZilla (plain FireFOX extension): analyzes your colors and helps you manage them. ColorZilla(FireFOX扩展名):分析您的颜色并帮助您管理它们。
  • MeasureIt (plain FireFOX extension): Helps you measure distances between elements on a page when Firebug isn't enough. MeasureIt(纯FireFOX扩展名):当Firebug不够用时,可帮助您测量页面上元素之间的距离。
  • WebDeveloper toolbar: does all sorts of nifty stuff, but I only use it to resize the browser to a specific window size (like 800x600). WebDeveloper工具栏:进行各种漂亮的操作,但是我仅使用它来将浏览器调整为特定的窗口大小(例如800x600)。


you should use css templates ( a list here ) 您应该使用CSS模板( 此处为列表

or download an already made layout (everywhere on the net) and change bits with firebug to see what pleases you. 或下载已经制作好的布局(网络上的任何地方),然后使用萤火虫更改位以查看令您满意的内容。 ( An example ) 一个例子

Edit : i am 'only code' too, i style my web UIs by hand. 编辑:我也是“唯一的代码”,我手工设置我的Web UI。 But there's a lot of addons for firefox that will greatly help you design your layout. 但是,firefox有很多附加组件,可以极大地帮助您设计布局。 ( Here's a list ) 这是清单

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