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[英]How do I print an array in Java's jdb debugger?

How do I print out the values of the byte array all at once? 如何一次打印出字节数组的值? I seem to recall I could specify a memory range in gdb. 我似乎记得我可以在gdb中指定一个内存范围。 Is similar functionality is available in jdb? jdb中是否有类似的功能?

I have a Java byte array: 我有一个Java字节数组:

byte [] decompressed = new byte[OUTPUT_FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE];

which I populate from a String: 我从一个字符串填充:

System.arraycopy(decompressedString.getBytes(), 0, decompressed, 0, 

In jdb, I want to print the contents of the byte array. 在jdb中,我想打印字节数组的内容。 I tried 我试过了

main[1] print decompressed

which returns: 返回:

 decompressed = instance of byte[7] (id=342)

One solution: 一个解决方案

dump decompressed

This dumps the byte values! 这会转储字节值! :) :)

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