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[英]No-hassle remote debugger for Java that's better than jdb?

I know how to do remote debugging in Java with both jdb and Eclipse. 我知道如何使用jdb和Eclipse在Java中进行远程调试。 jdb leaves a lot to be desired in terms of a debugging UI, but there's no "setup" required - just run jdb -attach ... and bam you're a-debuggin'. jdb在调试UI方面有很多不足之处,但是不需要“设置” - 只需运行jdb -attach ...而bam你就是一个'debuggin'。 Eclipse has a much nicer UI, but you have to set up a Java project with a local copy of all the source files, dependency jars, source jars, etc. that's running remotely. Eclipse具有更好的UI,但您必须使用远程运行的所有源文件,依赖项jar,源代码等的本地副本来设置Java项目。

Does there exist any debugging tool with the "lightweight" properties of jdb but which presents you a richer (G)UI? 是否存在任何具有jdb的“轻量级”属性的调试工具,但它会为您提供更丰富的(G)UI?

Netbeans has these tools integrated (I think they are all just using the jdk versions with a different frontend). Netbeans集成了这些工具(我认为它们都只是使用具有不同前端的jdk版本)。 I love the remote performance measurements (mosts you can also find in visualvm these days), the remote debugging is a bit more tricky (you need the source in netbeans afterall) but it works. 我喜欢远程性能测量(这些天你也可以在visualvm中找到它们),远程调试有点棘手(你需要netbeans事后的源代码)但是它有效。 Possibly this is just a frontend for jdb. 可能这只是jdb的前端。

Jswat ? Jswat? http://code.google.com/p/jswat/ http://code.google.com/p/jswat/

Though you'd still want source files locally for convenience (the JDI protocol sents back file-and-line-numbers; the debugger can then zoom to that location, in an editor, and highlight..) 虽然为了方便你仍然想在本地获取源文件(JDI协议会返回文件和行号;然后调试器可以在编辑器中缩放到该位置,然后突出显示..)

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