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No-hassle remote debugger for Java that's better than jdb?

I know how to do remote debugging in Java with both jdb and Eclipse. jdb leaves a lot to be desired in terms of a debugging UI, but there's no "setup" required - just run jdb -attach ... and bam you're a-debuggin'. Eclipse has a much nicer UI, but you have to set up a Java project with a local copy of all the source files, dependency jars, source jars, etc. that's running remotely.

Does there exist any debugging tool with the "lightweight" properties of jdb but which presents you a richer (G)UI?

Netbeans has these tools integrated (I think they are all just using the jdk versions with a different frontend). I love the remote performance measurements (mosts you can also find in visualvm these days), the remote debugging is a bit more tricky (you need the source in netbeans afterall) but it works. Possibly this is just a frontend for jdb.

Jswat ? http://code.google.com/p/jswat/

Though you'd still want source files locally for convenience (the JDI protocol sents back file-and-line-numbers; the debugger can then zoom to that location, in an editor, and highlight..)

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