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ECMAScript 5规范中可能出现错别字?

[英]Possible typos in ECMAScript 5 specification?

Does anybody know why, at the end of section 7.6 of the ECMA-262, 5th Edition specification , the nonterminals UnicodeLetter , UnicodeCombiningMark , UnicodeDigit , UnicodeconnectorPunctuation , and UnicodeEscapeSequence are not followed by two colons? 有人知道为什么在ECMA-262,第5版规范的 7.6节末尾,非终结符UnicodeLetterUnicodeCombiningMarkUnicodeDigitUnicodeconnectorPunctuationUnicodeEscapeSequence后面没有两个冒号吗?

From section 5.1.6: 从第5.1.6节开始:

Nonterminal symbols are shown in italic type. 非终端符号以斜体显示。 The definition of a nonterminal is introduced by the name of the nonterminal being defined followed by one or more colons. 通过定义非终结符的名称以及一个或多个冒号来引入非终结符的定义。 (The number of colons indicates to which grammar the production belongs.) (冒号的数量表示该产品所属的语法。)

Since lexical productions are distinguished by having two colons, and this is under "Lexical Conventions", I'm assuming that they meant to put the colons in. Does that sound right? 由于词汇产生式的特征是具有两个冒号,而这又属于“词汇惯例”,因此,我假设它们的意思是将冒号放入其中。听起来正确吗?

Just making sure that these really are nonterminals and they really are part of the lexical grammar. 只要确保它们确实是非终结符,并且它们确实是词汇语法的一部分。

EDIT : 编辑

I noticed there have been votes to close this. 我注意到已经有投票关闭此项目。 Just to make my case about why this is programming-related, it is relevant to anyone wanting to implement an ECMAScript interpreter. 仅仅为了说明为什么它与编程相关,它与想要实现ECMAScript解释器的任何人都相关。

I have posted this issue to an ECMAScript mailing list where hopefully it will be considered by the TC39 technical committee. 我已将此问题发布到ECMAScript邮件列表中,希望TC39技术委员会可以考虑该问题。 For those who are curious, I will follow up here if it gets resolved. 对于那些好奇的人,如果问题得到解决,我将在这里跟进。


It looks like this issue has been addressed by the committee. 委员会似乎已经解决了这个问题。 I looked at a new revision of the spec and the changes are there. 我查看了该规范的新修订版,并在那里进行了更改。

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