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Ruby on Rails:下拉菜单

[英]Ruby on Rails: Drop down menu

I'm trying to create a drop down menu to allow a user to change an entry's field in my table. 我正在尝试创建一个下拉菜单,允许用户更改表格中的条目字段。 The user has one of three options -- hot, medium and cold. 用户有三个选项之一 - 热,中和冷。

I already have text_fields that do essentially the same thing for other fields, that all update when the user clicks on a submit_tag . 我已经有text_fields对其他字段做了基本相同的事情,当用户点击submit_tag时都会更新。

Is there an easy way to implement a drop-down box and have the result saved with the submit_tag ? 有没有一种简单的方法来实现下拉框并使用submit_tag保存结果?

thanks, 谢谢,

-Chris -克里斯

Here's the basic answer. 这是基本答案。 The array of two element arrays is the critical part. 两个元素数组的数组是关键部分。

<% form_for @entry do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :name %>
  <%= f.select :temperature, [['Hot','hot'],['Medium','medium'],['Cold','cold']] %>
  <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

I'll assume 2 things: 我假设有两件事:

  • That you are the <%= form_for @model_instance idiom (explained on section 2.2 of this guide ). 您是<%= form_for @model_instance成语(在本指南的第2.2节中解释)。
  • That you want to store the "hot", "medium" and "cold" values as strings (not as numbers 1,2 and 3 or something similar) on your database. 您希望将“热”,“中”和“冷”值存储为数据库中的字符串(而不是数字1,2和3或类似的东西)。

Let's say that you have two fields, called :name and :temperature , controlled by two text_fields : 假设您有两个字段, :name:name:temperature ,由两个text_fields控制:

<% form_for @article do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :name %>
  <%= f.text_field :temperature %>
  <%= f.submit "Create" %> <% end %>
<% end %>

Now you want to change the :temperature control to a dropdown list, accepting hot, medium and cold as values. 现在您要将:温度控制更改为下拉列表,接受热,中,冷值。 Then you can do that this way: 然后你可以这样做:

<% form_for @article do |f| %>
  <%= f.text_field :name %>
  <%= f.collection_select :temperature, Article::TEMPERATURES, :to_s, :to_s, 
       :include_blank => true
  <%= f.submit "Create" %> <% end %>
<% end %>

You will now have to define the Article::TEMPERATURES constant in your Article model. 您现在必须在文章模型中定义Article::TEMPERATURES常量。 It shouldn't be very difficult: 这应该不是很困难:

class Article < Activerecord::Base

  TEMPERATURES = ['hot', 'medium', 'cold']

You may be wondering why I added the :include_blank part on the collection_select . 您可能想知道为什么我在collection_select上添加了:include_blank部分。 This will add an "empty" option on your dropdown list. 这将在您的下拉列表中添加“空”选项。 You will need that empty option when creating new objects, unless you want a "default" value to temperature. 在创建新对象时,您将需要该空选项,除非您想要一个“默认”值到温度。

I was working on something similar. 我正在做类似的事情。 I got this to work by simply adding either an enum or a constant(similar to what kikito said previously) in my model and then calling the select in my form. 我通过简单地在我的模型中添加枚举或常量(类似于之前的kikito所说的)然后在我的表单中调用select来实现这一点。

Here's how it can work. 这是它的工作方式。

using the constant: 使用常数:

class ClassName < ActiveRecord::Base TEMPERATURES = ['Hot', 'Medium', 'Cold'] end class ClassName <ActiveRecord :: Base TEMPERATURES = ['Hot','Medium','Cold']结束

bin/rails g migration add_column_to_table temperatures:string bin / rails g migration add_column_to_table temperature:string

_form.html.erb _form.html.erb

<%= f.label :temperature %>
<%= f.select :temperature, ClassName::TEMPERATURE %>

or 要么

using the enum: 使用枚举:

class ClassName < ActiveRecord::Base enum temperature: [:hot, :medium, :cold] end class ClassName <ActiveRecord :: Base枚举温度:[:hot,:medium,:cold] end

bin/rails g migration add_column_to_table temperatures:integer bin / rails g migration add_column_to_table temperature:integer

_form.html.erb _form.html.erb

<%= f.label :temperature %>
<%= f.select :temperature, ClassName.temperatures.keys %>

Hope that helps you! 希望对你有所帮助!

You might want to consider formtastic gem which is lot less code. 您可能想要考虑更少代码的formtastic gem。

<% semantic_form_for @stuff do |f| %>  
   <% f.inputs do %>  
   <%= f.input :name %>  
   <%= f.input :temperature, :as => :select, 
               :label => "Degree", :include_blank => false,
               :collection => [["Hot", 1], ["Medium", 2], ["Cold", 3]] %>  
   <% end %>  
   <%= f.buttons %>    
<% end %>  

In accordance with all of the above answers, remember to do this last, important step: 根据以上所有答案,请记住最后这个重要的步骤:

Restart your server ! 重启你的服务器

As a newbie, I was wondering why my array was not working even though I followed all the steps correctly. 作为一个新手,我想知道为什么我的阵列不工作,即使我正确地遵循了所有步骤。

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