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[英]C#: Expensiveness in checking the type of a variable

How expensive is it to check the type of a variable in C#? 在C#中检查变量的类型有多昂贵?

Eg using try / catch vs. using as vs. using typeof . 例如,使用try / catch与使用as与使用typeof

Absolute measurements are not necessary. 绝对测量是不必要的。 :) :)

try / catch is definitely slower, since a thrown exception causes stack information to be gathered. try / catch绝对慢一些,因为抛出异常会导致堆栈信息被收集。

as / is are for comparing to a type known at compile time and cater for inheritance (ie. "string" is Object returns true ) as / is用于与在编译时已知的类型进行比较并满足继承要求(即"string" is Object返回true

typeof / GetType() can be used for types known at runtime but do not cater for inheritance (ie. "string".GetType() == typeof(Object) returns false ) typeof / GetType()可以用于运行时已知的类型,但不能满足继承要求(即"string".GetType() == typeof(Object)返回false

Regardless, I think you probably want as (or is if you don't need the cast value) 无论如何,我认为你可能要as (或者is ,如果你不需要投值)

Which is expensive is completely irrelevant; 昂贵是完全无关紧要的。 you should never use exception handling as a form of control flow if you can avoid it . 如果可以避免的话,绝对不要将异常处理用作控制流的一种形式 It's called "exception handling" because it should only happen in exceptional, unavoidable circumstances . 之所以称为“异常处理”,是因为它只应在特殊的,不可避免的情况下发生。 Invalid type conversion exceptions are bugs and should be fixed. 无效的类型转换异常是错误 ,应予以修复。 Always use "is", "as", or "GetType()" to determine the type of a thing. 始终使用“ is”,“ as”或“ GetType()”来确定事物的类型。


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