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Javascript“window.open”代码在Internet Explorer 7或8中不起作用

[英]Javascript “window.open” code won't work in Internet Explorer 7 or 8

I am using this chunk of jQuery/Javascript code on my site to open a popup window: 我在我的网站上使用这一块jQuery / Javascript代码打开一个弹出窗口:

    $id = $('#id').attr('value');

    window.open("photo.upload.php?id=" + $id,"Upload Photo",

This code works on Firefox and Chrome. 此代码适用于Firefox和Chrome。 It does not work on IE7 or IE8 (haven't tested IE6). 它不适用于IE7或IE8(尚未测试IE6)。 IE pops up an error on the line window.open . IE在行window.open上弹出一个错误。 Why? 为什么? The error that IE gives is "Invalid Argument" and that's all. IE给出的错误是“无效参数”,这就是全部。

It's the space in the second parameter that's causing it. 它是导致它的第二个参数中的空间。 If you use "UploadPhoto" instead of "Upload Photo", it works: 如果您使用“UploadPhoto”而不是“上传照片”,它的工作原理如下:

    $id = $('#id').attr('value');

    window.open("photo.upload.php?id=" + $id,"UploadPhoto",

I can't seem to find any official reasons as to why having a space in the windowName parameter of window.open() causes an error, but it's likely just an implementation detail. 我似乎无法找到任何官方原因,为什么在window.open()windowName参数中有一个空格会导致错误,但它可能只是一个实现细节。 The windowName is used as an internal reference, and can be used as a value for a target attribute of an anchor or form, so I guess IE can't handle that internally. windowName用作内部引用,可以用作锚或表单的目标属性的值,所以我猜IE无法在内部处理。 The reference docs for Gecko/Firefox says that this parameter should not contain spaces, but clearly current versions of Gecko don't have a problem with it if it does. Gecko / Firefox的参考文档说这个参数不应该包含空格,但显然当前版本的Gecko没有问题。

The windowName argument can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (ie [A-Z0-9_] ). windowName参数只能包含字母数字字符和下划线(即[A-Z0-9_] )。

You must change 你必须改变

window.open("photo.upload.php?id=" + $id,"Upload Photo",


window.open("photo.upload.php?id=" + $id,"Upload_Photo",

or some other name that doesn't have spaces. 或其他一些没有空格的名称。

See https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Window.open . 请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/En/DOM/Window.open

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