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PHP - 如何在数组的最后一个元素之前获取元素?

[英]PHP - How to get the element before the last element from an array?


This will work even on this array: 这甚至可以在这个数组上工作:

$array[0] = "hello";
$array[5] = "how";
$array[9] = "are";

echo prev($array); // will print "how"

The other solutions using count() are assuming that the indexes of your array go in order; 使用count()的其他解决方案假设您的数组的索引按顺序排列; by using end and prev to move the array pointer, you get the actual values. 通过使用end和prev来移动数组指针,您将获得实际值。 Try using the count() method on the array above and it will fail. 尝试在上面的数组上使用count()方法,它将失败。


It should be a numerically indexed array (from zero). 它应该是一个数字索引数组(从零开始)。 You should have at least 2 elements for this to work. 你应该至少有2个元素才能工作。 (obviously) (明显)

As for me pretty tiny solution 至于我非常小的解决方案

echo prev($array);

array_slice takes a negative offset as the second argument. array_slice将负偏移量作为第二个参数。 This will give you a single item array containing the second last item: 这将为您提供包含第二个最后一项的单个项目数组:

$arr = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
array_slice($arr, -2, 1);

If you just want the single value on it's own you have several options. 如果你只想要它自己的单一值,你有几个选择。 If you don't mind using an intermediate variable you can then just get the first value with [0] or call array_pop or array_shift, they both need a variable passed by reference or you'll get warnings in strict mode. 如果您不介意使用中间变量,那么您可以使用[0]获取第一个值或调用array_pop或array_shift,它们都需要通过引用传递的变量,否则您将在严格模式下收到警告。

Or you could just use array_sum or array_product, which is a bit hacky but works fine for single item arrays. 或者您可以使用array_sum或array_product,这有点hacky但适用于单项数组。

A method that will work for both associative array and numeric array is to use array_pop() to pop the element off the end of array. 一个适用于关联数组和数值数组的方法是使用array_pop()从数组末尾弹出元素。

$last = array_pop($array);
$second_last = array_pop($array);

// put back the last
array_push($array, $last);

All arrays have an "internal array pointer" which points to the current array element, PHP has several functions which allow you to navigate through the array and view the current elements key and value. 所有数组都有一个“内部数组指针” ,它指向当前数组元素,PHP有几个函数,允许您在数组中导航并查看当前元素键和值。

  • end() - Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element end() - 将数组的内部指针设置为其最后一个元素
  • reset() - Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element reset() - 将数组的内部指针设置为其第一个元素
  • prev() - Rewind the internal array pointer prev() - 倒回内部数组指针
  • next() - Advance the internal array pointer of an array next() - 前进数组的内部数组指针
  • current() - Return the current element in an array current() - 返回数组中的当前元素
  • key() - Fetch a key from an array key() - 从数组中获取一个键
  • each() - Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor each() - 从数组中返回当前键和值对并使数组光标前进

These functions work whether the array is empty, sequential or associative and as an array has not been specified in the example i've assumed this must work with any array. 无论数组是空的,顺序的还是关联的,这些函数都可以工作,并且由于在示例中没有指定数组,我认为这必须适用于任何数组。

$array = array(
    'before_last' => false,
    'last' => false,

end($array); /* 
- set pointer to last element -> $array['last']
- return new current element value if it exists, -> false
- else return FALSE 

prev($array); /* 
- set pointer one place before current pointer -> $array['before_last']
- return new current element value if it exists, -> false
- else return FALSE 

if(!is_null(key($array)){ /* 
- return current element key if it exists -> "before_last"
- else return NULL
    $before_last_element_value = current($array); /* 
    - return current element value if it exists, -> false
    - else return FALSE 

As you can see the expected result ( false ) and the result for a nonexistent element is the same ( FALSE ) so you cannot check whether an element exists using the returned element value, an element key is different. 如您所见,预期结果( false )和不存在元素的结果相同( FALSE ),因此您无法使用返回的元素值检查元素是否存在,元素键是不同的。

The key can either be an integer or a string . 密钥可以是整数字符串 The value can be of any type . 值可以是任何type source 资源

The key() returns the value of the current key if the element exists otherwise it will return NULL. 如果元素存在, key()返回当前键的值,否则返回NULL。 A valid key can never be NULL so if null is returned we can determine that the element does not exist. 有效密钥永远不能为NULL,因此如果返回null,我们可以确定该元素不存在。

// Indexed based array
$test = array('a','b','c','d','e');
$count = count($test);
print $test[$count-2];

// Associative Array
$months = array(
         'feb' => 'february', 
         'mar' => 'March', 
         'apr' => 'April'

$keys = array_keys($months);
$count = count($keys);
print $keys[$count-2];

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