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[英]Is there a general purpose Java paint applet base?

I'm working on a system for graphically querying data from a database of parasite specimens, in this case, these worm-like ones called Trematodes . 我正在研究一种系统,用于从寄生虫标本的数据库中图形查询数据,在这种情况下,这些类似蠕虫的称为吸虫

Specifically, I'm looking at how to do the front end. 具体来说,我正在研究如何做前端。 It needs to be web based, so I'm looking at using Java. 它需要基于Web,所以我正在考虑使用Java。

The way I envision it working is much like Mr. Potato Head . 我设想它的工作方式很像Potato Head先生 Users would select an outline of the body, and then drag and drop various pieces in, like testes, suckers, etc. 用户可以选择身体轮廓,然后拖放各种碎片,如睾丸,吸盘等。

Does anyone know of a good starting point for this? 有谁知道这个的好起点? Are there any general purpose applets out there I could build onto, rather than having to write this from scratch? 有没有我可以构建的通用小程序,而不是必须从头开始编写? Thanks. 谢谢。

**PS -- I'm not married to Java. ** PS - 我没和Java结婚。 If something like this exists in another form, I can probably work with that too. 如果像这样的东西存在于另一种形式,我也可以使用它。 But I should point out I don't have access to any Flash dev tools.* 但我应该指出,我无法访问任何Flash开发工具。*

EDIT -- Based on the advice presented and skills I actually have at the moment, I've decided to go with a Javascript/Ajax type solution. 编辑 - 基于我提出的建议和目前实际掌握的技能,我决定使用Javascript / Ajax类型的解决方案。 Google's Web Toolkit looks cool, but I think jQuery probably suits my needs a little better, particularly regarding Drag And Drop functionality. 谷歌的Web工具包看起来很酷,但我认为jQuery可能更适合我的需求,特别是关于拖放功能。 Thanks again. 再次感谢。

I would suggest trying Google Web Toolkit (GWT). 我建议尝试使用Google Web Toolkit(GWT)。 You can create very sophisticated Java programs that run in the browser without a plugin. 您可以在没有插件的情况下创建在浏览器中运行的非常复杂的Java程序。

http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/ http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/

You can see some amazing examples here: 你可以在这里看到一些惊人的例子:

http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/examples/ http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/examples/
http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/ http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/showcase/

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