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替换 Javascript 中正则表达式匹配的第 n 个实例

[英]Replacing the nth instance of a regex match in Javascript

I'm trying to write a regex function that will identify and replace a single instance of a match within a string without affecting the other instances.我正在尝试编写一个正则表达式 function,它将识别并替换字符串中匹配项的单个实例,而不会影响其他实例。 For example, I have this string:例如,我有这个字符串:


I want to replace the second set of pipes with ampersands to get this string:我想用&符号替换第二组管道以获取此字符串:


The regex function needs to be able to handle x amount of pipes and allow me to replace the nth set of pipes, so I could use the same function to make these replacements:正则表达式 function 需要能够处理 x 数量的管道并允许我替换第 n 组管道,因此我可以使用相同的 function 来进行这些替换:

23||45||45||56||67 -> 23&&45||45||56||67

23||34||98||87 -> 23||34||98&&87

I know that I could just split/replace/concat the string at the pipes, and I also know that I can match on /\|\|/ and iterate through the resulting array, but I'm interested to know if it's possible to write a single expression that can do this.我知道我可以在管道上拆分/替换/连接字符串,我也知道我可以匹配/\|\|/并遍历结果数组,但我想知道是否有可能写一个可以做到这一点的表达式。 Note that this would be for Javascript, so it's possible to generate a regex at runtime using eval() , but it's not possible to use any Perl-specific regex instructions.请注意,这将用于 Javascript,因此可以在运行时使用eval()生成正则表达式,但不可能使用任何特定于 Perl 的正则表达式指令。

A more general-purpose function 更通用的功能

I came across this question and, although the title is very general, the accepted answer handles only the question's specific use case. 我遇到了这个问题,虽然标题很一般,但是接受的答案只处理问题的具体用例。

I needed a more general-purpose solution, so I wrote one and thought I'd share it here. 我需要一个更通用的解决方案,所以我写了一个并认为我会在这里分享它。

Usage 用法

This function requires that you pass it the following arguments: 此函数要求您传递以下参数:

  • original : the string you're searching in original :您正在搜索的字符串
  • pattern : either a string to search for, or a RegExp with a capture group . pattern :要搜索的字符串,要么是带有捕获组的RegExp。 Without a capture group, it will throw an error. 没有捕获组,它将引发错误。 This is because the function calls split on the original string, and only if the supplied RegExp contains a capture group will the resulting array contain the matches . 这是因为函数调用原始字符串上的split ,并且只有当提供的RegExp包含捕获组时,结果数组才会包含匹配项
  • n : the ordinal occurrence to find; n :要查找的序数事件; eg, if you want the 2nd match, pass in 2 例如,如果您想要第二场比赛,请传入2
  • replace : Either a string to replace the match with, or a function which will take in the match and return a replacement string. replace :用于替换匹配的字符串,或者是将接受匹配并返回替换字符串的函数。

Examples 例子

// Pipe examples like the OP's
replaceNthMatch("12||34||56", /(\|\|)/, 2, '&&') // "12||34&&56"
replaceNthMatch("23||45||45||56||67", /(\|\|)/, 1, '&&') // "23&&45||45||56||67"

// Replace groups of digits
replaceNthMatch("foo-1-bar-23-stuff-45", /(\d+)/, 3, 'NEW') // "foo-1-bar-23-stuff-NEW"

// Search value can be a string
replaceNthMatch("foo-stuff-foo-stuff-foo", "foo", 2, 'bar') // "foo-stuff-bar-stuff-foo"

// No change if there is no match for the search
replaceNthMatch("hello-world", "goodbye", 2, "adios") // "hello-world"

// No change if there is no Nth match for the search
replaceNthMatch("foo-1-bar-23-stuff-45", /(\d+)/, 6, 'NEW') // "foo-1-bar-23-stuff-45"

// Passing in a function to make the replacement
replaceNthMatch("foo-1-bar-23-stuff-45", /(\d+)/, 2, function(val){
  //increment the given value
  return parseInt(val, 10) + 1;
}); // "foo-1-bar-24-stuff-45"

The Code 代码

  var replaceNthMatch = function (original, pattern, n, replace) {
    var parts, tempParts;

    if (pattern.constructor === RegExp) {

      // If there's no match, bail
      if (original.search(pattern) === -1) {
        return original;

      // Every other item should be a matched capture group;
      // between will be non-matching portions of the substring
      parts = original.split(pattern);

      // If there was a capture group, index 1 will be
      // an item that matches the RegExp
      if (parts[1].search(pattern) !== 0) {
        throw {name: "ArgumentError", message: "RegExp must have a capture group"};
    } else if (pattern.constructor === String) {
      parts = original.split(pattern);
      // Need every other item to be the matched string
      tempParts = [];

      for (var i=0; i < parts.length; i++) {

        // Insert between, but don't tack one onto the end
        if (i < parts.length - 1) {
      parts = tempParts;
    }  else {
      throw {name: "ArgumentError", message: "Must provide either a RegExp or String"};

    // Parens are unnecessary, but explicit. :)
    indexOfNthMatch = (n * 2) - 1;

  if (parts[indexOfNthMatch] === undefined) {
    // There IS no Nth match
    return original;

  if (typeof(replace) === "function") {
    // Call it. After this, we don't need it anymore.
    replace = replace(parts[indexOfNthMatch]);

  // Update our parts array with the new value
  parts[indexOfNthMatch] = replace;

  // Put it back together and return
  return parts.join('');


An Alternate Way To Define It 定义它的替代方法

The least appealing part of this function is that it takes 4 arguments. 这个函数最不吸引人的部分是它需要4个参数。 It could be simplified to need only 3 arguments by adding it as a method to the String prototype, like this: 通过将它作为方法添加到String原型,可以简化为只需要3个参数,如下所示:

String.prototype.replaceNthMatch = function(pattern, n, replace) {
  // Same code as above, replacing "original" with "this"

If you do that, you can call the method on any string, like this: 如果你这样做,你可以在任何字符串上调用方法,如下所示:

"foo-bar-foo".replaceNthMatch("foo", 2, "baz"); // "foo-bar-baz"

Passing Tests 通过测试

The following are the Jasmine tests that this function passes. 以下是此功能通过的Jasmine测试。

describe("replaceNthMatch", function() {

  describe("when there is no match", function() {

    it("should return the unmodified original string", function() {
      var str = replaceNthMatch("hello-there", /(\d+)/, 3, 'NEW');


  describe("when there is no Nth match", function() {

    it("should return the unmodified original string", function() {
      var str = replaceNthMatch("blah45stuff68hey", /(\d+)/, 3, 'NEW');


  describe("when the search argument is a RegExp", function() {

    describe("when it has a capture group", function () {

      it("should replace correctly when the match is in the middle", function(){
        var str = replaceNthMatch("this_937_thing_38_has_21_numbers", /(\d+)/, 2, 'NEW');

      it("should replace correctly when the match is at the beginning", function(){
        var str = replaceNthMatch("123_this_937_thing_38_has_21_numbers", /(\d+)/, 2, 'NEW');


    describe("when it has no capture group", function() {

      it("should throw an error", function(){
          replaceNthMatch("one_1_two_2", /\d+/, 2, 'NEW');
        }).toThrow('RegExp must have a capture group');



  describe("when the search argument is a string", function() {

    it("should should match and replace correctly", function(){
      var str = replaceNthMatch("blah45stuff68hey", 'stuff', 1, 'NEW');


  describe("when the replacement argument is a function", function() {

    it("should call it on the Nth match and replace with the return value", function(){

      // Look for the second number surrounded by brackets
      var str = replaceNthMatch("foo[1][2]", /(\[\d+\])/, 2, function(val) {

        // Get the number without the [ and ]
        var number = val.slice(1,-1);

        // Add 1
        number = parseInt(number,10) + 1;

        // Re-format and return
        return '[' + number + ']';




May not work in IE7 可能无法在IE7中运行

This code may fail in IE7 because that browser incorrectly splits strings using a regex, as discussed here . 该代码可以在IE7中失败,因为该浏览器使用正则表达式正确分割字符串,如讨论在这里 [shakes fist at IE7]. [在IE7上握拳]。 I believe that this is the solution; 我相信是解决方案; if you need to support IE7, good luck. 如果你需要支持IE7,祝你好运。 :) :)

here's something that works: 这是有用的东西:


where n is the one less than the nth pipe, (of course you don't need that first subexpression if n = 0) 其中n是小于第n个管道的那个(当然,如果n = 0,则不需要第一个子表达式)

And if you'd like a function to do this: 如果你想要一个函数来做到这一点:

function pipe_replace(str,n) {
   var RE = new RegExp("^((?:[0-9]+\\|\\|){" + (n-1) + "})([0-9]+)\|\|");
   return str.replace(RE,"$1$2&&");
function pipe_replace(str,n) {
    m = 0;
    return str.replace(/\|\|/g, function (x) {
        //was n++ should have been m++
        if (n==m) {
            return "&&";
        } else {
            return x;

Thanks Binda, I have modified the code for generic uses:谢谢 Binda,我修改了通用代码:

private replaceNthMatch(original, pattern, n, replace) {
    let m = -1;
    return original.replaceAll(pattern, x => {
        if ( n == m ) {
            return replace;
        } else {
            return x;

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