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[英]How can I Access ASP.Net Wizard Finish Button in Code?

I have an asp.net wizard control with the "finish" button defined in the FinishNavigationTemplate . 我有一个asp.net向导控件,其中FinishNavigationTemplate定义了“finish”按钮。 I would like to access that button in code to give it focus if finishing the wizard does not complete. 如果完成向导没有完成,我想在代码中访问该按钮以使其成为焦点。

I've tried doing a FindControl on the WizardStep like so: 我试过在WizardStep上做一个FindControl,如下所示:

Button b = (Button) wsReviewOrder.FindControl("FinishButton");

I've tried doing a FindControl on the entire Wizard control like so: 我试过在整个Wizard控件上做一个FindControl,如下所示:

Button b = (Button) wCheckout.FindControl("FinishButton");

Neither of these worked for me. 这些都不适合我。

I ran across this post which helped me get the answer: 我跑过这篇文章,帮助我得到了答案:

http://forums.asp.net/t/903710.aspx http://forums.asp.net/t/903710.aspx

This is what worked for me: 这对我有用:

Button b = (Button)wCheckout.FindControl("FinishNavigationTemplateContainerID").FindControl("FinishButton");

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