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用Java调整图像大小。 如何调整大小

[英]Resize Image in Java. How to resize

I am trying to display an image on a Frame, however the image doesn't fit exactly on the frame. 我试图在帧上显示图像,但图像并不完全适合帧。 How can I resize the image? 如何调整图像大小? I cannot resize the frame. 我无法调整框架的大小。 I need it to stay the same size all the time. 我需要它始终保持相同的大小。

  // Override paint():
  public void paint (Graphics g)
      Dimension dimension = this.getSize();
      Insets I = this.getInsets();

      Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
          URL u = new URL ("http://www.gstatic.com/hostedimg/c195c33263b5205c_large");
          Image img = tk.getImage(u);
          g.drawImage(img, 0+I.left, 0+I.top, this);
      catch(MalformedURLException e){

Use one of the drawImage methods, where you can provide the required width and height of the drawing area. 使用drawImage方法之一,您可以在其中提供绘图区域所需的宽度和高度。 Eg: 例如:

g.drawImage(img, 0+I.left, 0+I.top, myWidth, myHeight, this);

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