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如何使用C#使用COM +本地服务器?

[英]How do I consume a COM+ local server from C#?

I have a web application from a company that has gone out of business. 我有一家停业的公司的Web应用程序。 We're looking to extend the web app a bit with some asp.net functionality. 我们希望通过一些asp.net功能扩展Web应用程序。 The web app was written as an ISAPI application in Delphi, and uses COM+ to talk to the SQL Server and handles things like session management and authentication. 该Web应用程序是在Delphi中作为ISAPI应用程序编写的,并使用COM +与SQL Server进行通信并处理会话管理和身份验证之类的事情。

So, in order to get the current user and other details, I have to use the undocument COM+ components. 因此,为了获得当前用户和其他详细信息,我必须使用无文档的COM +组件。 I was able to dig out the type library and auto generated IDL, but at this point i'm lost in creating a .NET proxy class for this. 我能够挖掘出类型库并自动生成IDL,但是此时我迷失了为此创建一个.NET代理类的情况。

Is there a way to autogenerate the .net COM+ proxy either from the .dll itself (extracting the typelib info) or from the IDL? 是否可以从.dll本身(提取typelib信息)或从IDL自动生成.net COM +代理?

Note: These seem to be simple COM style objects hosted in COM+ servers, no subscriptions or transaction monitoring.. 注意:这些似乎是在COM +服务器中托管的简单COM样式对象,没有订阅或事务监视。

You could use tlbimp.exe to generate C# proxy classes from your COM library. 您可以使用tlbimp.exe从COM库生成C#代理类。

tlbimp.exe myTest.tlb /out:myTest.dll

If you don't have the tlb it works also with COM dlls . 如果您没有tlb它也可以与COM dlls Once the COM wrapper assembly generated you can reference it in your project and use the types inside as you would any other .NET class. 一旦生成了COM包装器程序集,就可以在项目中引用它,并像使用其他任何.NET类一样使用内部的类型。

Possible location of tlbimp.exe : C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Bin\\TlbImp.exe or use the Visual Studio Command Prompt. tlbimp.exe可能位置: C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Bin\\TlbImp.exe或使用Visual Studio命令提示符。


Have you tried going to the references in your project, right clicking, add reference, then browsing to the dll. 您是否尝试过访问项目中的引用,右键单击,添加引用,然后浏览到dll。 I think visual studio will generate the Runtime Callable Wrapper for you. 我认为Visual Studio将为您生成Runtime Callable Wrapper。

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