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How do I consume a COM+ local server from C#?

I have a web application from a company that has gone out of business. We're looking to extend the web app a bit with some asp.net functionality. The web app was written as an ISAPI application in Delphi, and uses COM+ to talk to the SQL Server and handles things like session management and authentication.

So, in order to get the current user and other details, I have to use the undocument COM+ components. I was able to dig out the type library and auto generated IDL, but at this point i'm lost in creating a .NET proxy class for this.

Is there a way to autogenerate the .net COM+ proxy either from the .dll itself (extracting the typelib info) or from the IDL?

Note: These seem to be simple COM style objects hosted in COM+ servers, no subscriptions or transaction monitoring..

You could use tlbimp.exe to generate C# proxy classes from your COM library.

tlbimp.exe myTest.tlb /out:myTest.dll

If you don't have the tlb it works also with COM dlls . Once the COM wrapper assembly generated you can reference it in your project and use the types inside as you would any other .NET class.

Possible location of tlbimp.exe : C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v6.0A\\Bin\\TlbImp.exe or use the Visual Studio Command Prompt.


Have you tried going to the references in your project, right clicking, add reference, then browsing to the dll. I think visual studio will generate the Runtime Callable Wrapper for you.

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