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[英]Drupal image management

Please suggest how should I approach these requirements. 请提出我应该如何满足这些要求。 What ready-to-use solutions (modules) are best suited to achieve something like this: 哪些现成的解决方案(模块)最适合实现以下目的:

What I need is an image library that has searchable, tagged images that are already resized when we publish them. 我需要的是一个图像库,它具有可搜索的,带有标签的图像,这些图像在我们发布时已经过调整。 If the author searches the library and the image he needs isn't there, he can upload one and have it added to the index. 如果作者搜索图书馆而他所需的图像不在那里,则他可以上传一个并将其添加到索引中。 The important thing is that images in the library can be sorted into three categories: News images, top story images and feature images so that, over time, we don't end up with hundreds of images crammed into one folder, thus making browsing a pain (and to prevent someone from something like: Searching for a keyword so they can find an image for the news, picking an image, and then seeing it's 1600X. 1200). 重要的是,库中的图像可分为三类:新闻图像,热门新闻图像和专题图像,这样,随着时间的流逝,我们最终不会将数百个图像塞满一个文件夹,从而使浏览一个痛苦(并防止他人遭受此类伤害:搜索关键字,以便他们可以找到新闻图片,选择图片,然后看到1600X。1200)。 Also, I need something which will assemble thumbnail galleries easily. 另外,我需要可以轻松组装缩略图库的东西。 I don't want to have to go to the image library, get a URL, go back, paste it in, etc. I should be able to pick, say, 8 images and say “create gallery”. 我不需要去图像库,获取URL,返回,将其粘贴等。我应该能够选择8张图像并说“创建画廊”。 How this objective is achieved is flexible, but I am looking for a shortcut to get around assembling screenshot galleries by hand. 实现此目标的方法很灵活,但我正在寻找一种捷径来绕过手工组装屏幕截图库。

You could create an 'Image' content type, using CCK and Imagefield to store the image. 您可以使用CCK和Imagefield创建“图像”内容类型来存储图像。

Images could be classified into the three categories either with a CCK field or using the Taxonomy module, and the Taxonomy module would allow you to set up a separate vocabulary for tags. 可以使用CCK字段或使用“分类法”模块将图像分为三类,而“分类法”模块将允许您为标签设置单独的词汇表。 Taxonomy terms would be searchable with the core Search module by default. 默认情况下,分类术语可以使用核心搜索模块进行搜索。

Imagecache will allow you to specify image display presets - for example the user can upload any image (eg 1600 x 1200), but when it's displayed ImageCache will create a resized version (eg 400 x 300). Imagecache将允许您指定图像显示预设-例如,用户可以上传任何图像(例如1600 x 1200),但是在显示图像时,ImageCache将创建调整大小的版本(例如400 x 300)。 You can specify multiple presets, allowing the image to be displayed at different sizes in different locations. 您可以指定多个预设,从而可以在不同位置以不同大小显示图像。

For manually creating galleries, you could create a separate 'Gallery' content type, with a Node Reference field to 'Image' nodes. 对于手动创建图库,您可以创建一个单独的“图库”内容类型,并带有“图像”节点的“节点引用”字段。 I don't know of a 'click to add' type module as you seem to describe, but if the images are well-titled they can be easily added when creating a gallery through the auto-complete widget. 我不知道您所描述的“单击添加”类型模块,但是如果图像的标题正确,则可以在通过自动完成小部件创建图库时轻松添加它们。

Otherwise, the Views module will allow you to programmaticaly create listings of images, for example of all recently uploaded images. 否则,“视图”模块将允许您以编程方式创建图像列表,例如所有最近上传的图像。

请尝试在drupal 7中使用http://drupal.org/project/media 。请注意,既没有发布drupal 7也没有发布媒体模块,因此,为了将媒体模块或bugfix drupal 7反向移植,请期待大量的工作。

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