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[英]Document management solution for Drupal

I am looking for a Drupal solution that permits the following functionality 我正在寻找允许以下功能的Drupal解决方案

  • file upload to a secure directory - secured by user or role 文件上传到安全目录-由用户或角色保护
  • allow user to embed uploaded files anywhere they want within a html 'page' or 'story' node - not just a list of documents in the middle or end of the page. 允许用户将上传的文件嵌入html“页面”或“故事”节点中所需的任何位置,而不仅仅是页面中间或页面末尾的文档列表。
  • security - prevent non-authorized users from viewing, editing, deleting files. 安全性-防止未经授权的用户查看,编辑,删除文件。 Also administrator is limited to viewing, editing,deleting his/her own group of files. 管理员也只能查看,编辑,删除自己的文件组。

modules such as upload and webfm seem to do good job at permitting upload to a node, however by rule, files are displayed at the bottom of the node. 诸如upload和webfm之类的模块似乎在允许上传至节点方面做得很好,但是根据规则,文件显示在节点的底部。 This does not allow for much creative layout, such as mixing titles and text with download links. 这不允许太多的创意布局,例如将标题和文本与下载链接混合在一起。 However this solution does allow you to secure files in that files cannot be viewed by anyone except for users with access to this node. 但是,此解决方案确实可以保护文件的安全,因为除了有权访问该节点的用户之外,任何人都无法查看这些文件。

Another approach is to user an uploader added/contained within a text editor (eg: TINYMCE). 另一种方法是使用一个在文本编辑器(例如:TINYMCE)中添加/包含的上载器。 This allows user to upload and embed documents with an anchor tag/ However does not offer much security. 这允许用户上传和嵌入带有定位标记的文档/但是安全性不高。 Files can be possibly viewed by anyone on the internet, and this offers little security that files cannot be viewed or deleted by any user with permission to use this feature. 互联网上的任何人都可以查看文件,这几乎没有安全性,任何拥有使用此功能许可的用户都无法查看或删除文件。

这是一个不错的选项列表... http://drupalmodules.com/category/File+management

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