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[英]Is there a more abbreviated way to define a custom event in C#3 and C#4?

In the following console application example, the event is defined like this: 在以下控制台应用程序示例中, 事件定义如下:

public delegate void PurchaseHandler(object obj, PurchaseArgs args);
public event PurchaseHandler OnPurchaseMade;

It seems to me after reading around that this might be a bit " C#2 ". 在看完之后我觉得这可能有点“ C#2 ”。

Is there a more abbreviated way to express this with C#3 and C#4? 是否有更简洁的方式来表达C#3和C#4?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace TestEvents288202
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Product product1 = Product.LoadProduct(222);
            product1.OnPurchaseMade += new Product.PurchaseHandler(NotifyUser);

            Product product2 = Product.LoadProduct(333);
            product2.OnPurchaseMade += new Product.PurchaseHandler(NotifyUser);


        static void NotifyUser(object sender, PurchaseArgs e)

    public static class EmailManager
        public static void NotifyAdministrator(Product product)
            product.OnPurchaseMade += new Product.PurchaseHandler(SendEmail);

        public static void SendEmail(object sender, PurchaseArgs e)
            Product product = sender as Product;
            Console.WriteLine("Just sent e-mail to administrator notifying of purchase of article {0}", product.ProductNumber);

    public class PurchaseArgs : EventArgs
        public string Message { get; set; }

        public PurchaseArgs(string message)
            Message = message;

    public class Product
        public int ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }

        public delegate void PurchaseHandler(object obj, PurchaseArgs args);
        public event PurchaseHandler OnPurchaseMade;

        public static Product LoadProduct(int productNumber)
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
            products.Add(new Product { ProductNumber = 111, Name = "Intel CPU", Description = "Newest model, very fast." });
            products.Add(new Product { ProductNumber = 222, Name = "Philips Monitor", Description = "22-inch, very nice." });
            products.Add(new Product { ProductNumber = 333, Name = "Sony Camera", Description = "10 Megapixels, sharp pictures." });

            return products.Where(p => p.ProductNumber == productNumber).SingleOrDefault();

        public void Purchase()
            PurchaseArgs purchaseArgs = new PurchaseArgs(String.Format("The product \"{0}\" was just purchased.", this.Name));
            OnPurchaseMade(this, purchaseArgs);

        public void Log()
            Console.WriteLine("Log: #{0} purchased.", this.ProductNumber);

Always define events like this, don't use custom delegates: 始终定义这样的事件,不要使用自定义委托:

event EventHandler<EventArgsClassType> MyEventHandler;

or, if they don't take arguments: 或者,如果他们不参数:

event EventHandler MyEventHandler;

By being based on the System.EventHandler class, this ensures a uniform signature for all events, following the .NET guidelines. 通过基于System.EventHandler类,这可以确保遵循.NET准则的所有事件的统一签名。

If your event takes further arguments, its EventArgsClassType must inherit from System.EventArgs . 如果您的事件需要进一步的参数,则其EventArgsClassType必须从System.EventArgs继承。

Furthermore, when instantiating an event handler, you don't have to use this explicit form: 此外,在实例化事件处理程序时,您不必使用此显式形式:

product1.OnPurchaseMade += new Product.PurchaseHandler(NotifyUser);

since method groups can be implicitly converted to matching delegates. 因为方法组可以隐式转换为匹配的委托。 As a consequence, the following code works just as well: 因此,以下代码也可以正常工作:

product1.OnPurchaseMade += NotifyUser;

Try this: 尝试这个:

public event EventHandler<PurchaseArgs> OnPurchaseMade;

Also, lines like this: 还有,像这样的行:

product1.OnPurchaseMade += new Product.PurchaseHandler(NotifyUser);

Can be simplified: 可以简化:

product1.OnPurchaseMade += NotifyUser;


public event EventHandler<PurchaseArgs> OnPurchaseMade;

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