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[英]Flex saving progress bar

I am developing a static flex application which does not have a database connection, all the values are hardcoded(its just a prototype for the original app). 我正在开发一个没有数据库连接的静态flex应用程序,所有值都是硬编码的(它只是原始应用程序的原型)。 Now when i click the save button, i need to get a message like saving in progress... please wait, I need to display this message for 3 seconds. 现在,当我单击“保存”按钮时,我需要获得一条消息,例如“保存中”。请稍候,我需要将此消息显示3秒钟。

Please let me know how could this be done. 请让我知道怎么做。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Cheers, 干杯,

Deena 迪娜

I am putting in the complete code of how i did it for easy reference to other users. 我将输入完整的代码,以方便其他用户参考。

First Create a savingProgressBar.mxml file with the progress bar with the required format. 首先,使用所需格式的进度条创建一个saveingProgressBar.mxml文件。

Then in the parent page where you want the progress bar enter the following scrip code [In my parent page i click a button called save and on click of it i am calling the save() function] 然后在您想要进度条的父页面中输入以下脚本代码[在我的父页面中,我单击一个名为save的按钮,单击该按钮,我将调用save()函数]

              private var pBar:IFlexDisplayObject;

    private function save()
        pBar=PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, savingProgressBar, true);

             var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1500,1)
             myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);

        public function timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void 

Hope this helps, 希望这可以帮助,

cheers, 干杯,

Deena 迪娜

使用一个每200毫秒左右触发一次的计时器,每次触发它会使进度条增加3秒/ 200毫秒。

Fist create a timer with: 拳头创建一个计时器:

private var t:Timer = new Timer(3000,1);

Then add an event lister to resond when the timer will be finished: 然后添加一个事件列表器,以在计时器将要完成时进行响应:

t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, removeMSG);
//start timer

Add, removeMSG function that will remove your progress bar or notifier: 添加,删除MSG函数,该函数将删除进度条或通知器:

private function removeMSG(e:TimerEvent):void{
    //code to remove the notification

Also if you plan to use ProgressBar control in Flex use indeterminate="true" that will make progress bar move without any feedback data from your webservice 另外,如果您打算在Flex中使用ProgressBar控件,请使用indeterminate="true" ,这将使进度条移动而没有来自Web服务的任何反馈数据

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