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[英]Android: How to create custom shape keys on keyboard?

I wonder how could is possible to make custom shape key on android keyboard. 我想知道怎么可能在Android键盘上制作自定义形状键。 To create custom keyboard is relatively easy, but what needs to be done to create new buttons. 创建自定义键盘相对容易,但创建新按钮需要做些什么。 They also need to respond with all events as normal keyboard. 他们还需要像普通键盘一样响应所有事件。

Any ideas where to start? 任何想法从哪里开始?

You need to create an image for each key you want on your custom keyboard, and then, create the xml supporting the design of your keyboard and load it in your application with they Keyboard class. 您需要为自定义键盘上的每个键创建一个图像,然后创建支持键盘设计的xml,并使用Keyboard类将其加载到应用程序中。 Do you need more details? 你需要更多细节吗? If so, I will prepare one if you want, I've been wanting to have a go at this class for a while. 如果是这样的话,如果你愿意的话,我会准备一个,我一直想在这个班上学习一段时间。

Load it like this 像这样加载它

Keyboard mQwertyKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(this, R.xml.qwerty);

LatinKeyboard LatinKeyboard

public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard

    private Key mEnterKey;
    private Key mSpaceKey;

    private Key mModeChangeKey;

    private Key mLanguageSwitchKey;

    private Key mSavedModeChangeKey;

    private Key mSavedLanguageSwitchKey;

    public LatinKeyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId) {
        super(context, xmlLayoutResId);

    public LatinKeyboard(Context context, int layoutTemplateResId, 
            CharSequence characters, int columns, int horizontalPadding) {
        super(context, layoutTemplateResId, characters, columns, horizontalPadding);

    protected Key createKeyFromXml(Resources res, Row parent, int x, int y, 
            XmlResourceParser parser) {
        Key key = new LatinKey(res, parent, x, y, parser);
        if (key.codes[0] == 10) {
            mEnterKey = key;
        } else if (key.codes[0] == ' ') {
            mSpaceKey = key;
        } else if (key.codes[0] == Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE) {
            mModeChangeKey = key;
            mSavedModeChangeKey = new LatinKey(res, parent, x, y, parser);
        } else if (key.codes[0] == LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_LANGUAGE_SWITCH) {
            mLanguageSwitchKey = key;
            mSavedLanguageSwitchKey = new LatinKey(res, parent, x, y, parser);
        return key;

    void setLanguageSwitchKeyVisibility(boolean visible) {
        if (visible) {
            // The language switch key should be visible. Restore the size of the mode change key
            // and language switch key using the saved layout.
            mModeChangeKey.width = mSavedModeChangeKey.width;
            mModeChangeKey.x = mSavedModeChangeKey.x;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.width = mSavedLanguageSwitchKey.width;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.icon = mSavedLanguageSwitchKey.icon;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.iconPreview = mSavedLanguageSwitchKey.iconPreview;
        } else {
            // The language switch key should be hidden. Change the width of the mode change key
            // to fill the space of the language key so that the user will not see any strange gap.
            mModeChangeKey.width = mSavedModeChangeKey.width + mSavedLanguageSwitchKey.width;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.width = 0;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.icon = null;
            mLanguageSwitchKey.iconPreview = null;
    void setImeOptions(Resources res, int options) {
        if (mEnterKey == null) {

        switch (options&(EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION|EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION)) {
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_GO:
                mEnterKey.iconPreview = null;
                mEnterKey.icon = null;
                mEnterKey.label = res.getText(R.string.label_go_key);
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT:
                mEnterKey.iconPreview = null;
                mEnterKey.icon = null;
                mEnterKey.label = res.getText(R.string.label_next_key);
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH:
                mEnterKey.icon = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_keyboard_search);
                mEnterKey.label = null;
            case EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEND:
                mEnterKey.iconPreview = null;
                mEnterKey.icon = null;
                mEnterKey.label = res.getText(R.string.label_send_key);
                mEnterKey.icon = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.sym_keyboard_return);
                mEnterKey.label = null;

    void setSpaceIcon(final Drawable icon) {
        if (mSpaceKey != null) {
            mSpaceKey.icon = icon;

    static class LatinKey extends Keyboard.Key {

        public LatinKey(Resources res, Keyboard.Row parent, int x, int y,
                XmlResourceParser parser) {
            super(res, parent, x, y, parser);

         * Overriding this method so that we can reduce the target area for the key that
         * closes the keyboard. 
        public boolean isInside(int x, int y) {
            return super.isInside(x, codes[0] == KEYCODE_CANCEL ? y - 10 : y);


Static class LatinKey is neccessary because with the help of this you can change state of key in xml if you want. 静态类LatinKey是必需的,因为借助于此,您可以根据需要更改xml中的键的状态。

qwerty.xml qwerty.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Keyboard xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

        <Key android:codes="113" android:keyLabel="q" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
        <Key android:codes="119" android:keyLabel="w"/>
        <Key android:codes="101" android:keyLabel="e"/>
        <Key android:codes="114" android:keyLabel="r"/>
        <Key android:codes="116" android:keyLabel="t"/>
        <Key android:codes="121" android:keyLabel="y"/>
        <Key android:codes="117" android:keyLabel="u"/>
        <Key android:codes="105" android:keyLabel="i"/>
        <Key android:codes="111" android:keyLabel="o"/>
        <Key android:codes="112" android:keyLabel="p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right"/>

        <Key android:codes="97" android:keyLabel="a" android:horizontalGap="5%p" 
        <Key android:codes="115" android:keyLabel="s"/>
        <Key android:codes="100" android:keyLabel="d"/>
        <Key android:codes="102" android:keyLabel="f"/>
        <Key android:codes="103" android:keyLabel="g"/>
        <Key android:codes="104" android:keyLabel="h"/>
        <Key android:codes="106" android:keyLabel="j"/>
        <Key android:codes="107" android:keyLabel="k"/>
        <Key android:codes="108" android:keyLabel="l" android:keyEdgeFlags="right"/>

        <Key android:codes="-1" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_shift" 
                android:keyWidth="15%p" android:isModifier="true"
                android:isSticky="true" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
        <Key android:codes="122" android:keyLabel="z"/>
        <Key android:codes="120" android:keyLabel="x"/>
        <Key android:codes="99" android:keyLabel="c"/>
        <Key android:codes="118" android:keyLabel="v"/>
        <Key android:codes="98" android:keyLabel="b"/>
        <Key android:codes="110" android:keyLabel="n"/>
        <Key android:codes="109" android:keyLabel="m"/>
        <Key android:codes="-5" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_delete" 
                android:keyWidth="15%p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right"

    <Row android:rowEdgeFlags="bottom">
        <Key android:codes="-3" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_done" 
                android:keyWidth="15%p" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
        <Key android:codes="-2" android:keyLabel="123" android:keyWidth="10%p"/>
            android:codes: -101 is not a framework-defined key code but a key code that is
            privately defined in com.example.android.softkeyboard.LatinKeyboardView.
        <Key android:codes="-101" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_language_switch"
        <Key android:codes="32" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_space" 
                android:keyWidth="30%p" android:isRepeatable="true"/>
        <Key android:codes="46,44" android:keyLabel=". ,"
        <Key android:codes="10" android:keyIcon="@drawable/sym_keyboard_return" 
                android:keyWidth="20%p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right"/>

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