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[英]How to Play video file from my own application in jsp(File is in my own server Mysql database.)

Can any one help me,About how to play video file in jsp application.Where the video file exist in my own mysql databse (BLOB format).Can any one suggest how to play thoes video file in jap page(streaming). 有谁能帮我,关于如何在jsp应用程序中播放视频文件。如果该视频文件存在于我自己的mysql数据库(BLOB格式)中,谁能建议如何在jap页面(流)中播放这些视频文件。

1.is there any API to play video file like. 1.是否有任何API可以播放视频文件。 you tube Embed code.or viemo player.. 您可以嵌入代码或viemo播放器。

2.is there any server side configuration settings.. 2.是否有任何服务器端配置设置。

Regard Sourav nandan. 问候Sourav nandan。

I guess the easiest is HTML5, these days. 我猜最近最简单的是HTML5。 Try reading this to see what you need to do. 尝试阅读本文以了解您需要做什么。 You will also need to provide a servlet which will dump your BLOB into its response stream. 您还需要提供一个servlet,它将您的BLOB转储到其响应流中。

Another way would be Flash - there are plenty of solutions for that, for instance FlowPlayer . 另一种方法是Flash-有很多解决方案,例如FlowPlayer (You still need that servlet, though.) (不过,您仍然需要该servlet。)

HTML5 Video Tag HTML5视频标签

I don't know about jQuery, but AFAIK, you need jQuery Media Plugin to play videos using jQuery. 我不了解jQuery,但是AFAIK,您需要jQuery Media Plugin才能使用jQuery播放视频。

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