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Retina显示和[UIImage initWithData]

[英]Retina display and [UIImage initWithData]

I need to initialise images from raw data downloaded from a server which delivers the correct size of image based on the type of iPhone client. 我需要从服务器下载的原始数据初始化图像,该服务器根据iPhone客户端的类型提供正确的图像大小。

I know that I should be setting the scale value to be 2.0 on the 640x960 display, however this is a readonly property and cannot be set during the init when using initWithData. 我知道我应该在640x960显示器上将比例值设置为2.0,但这是一个只读属性,并且在初始化时使用initWithData时无法设置。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I'm not aware of anything you can embed in the image data itself to tell the phone that it's a @2x image, but something like this should work: 我不知道你可以嵌入到图像数据中的任何东西,告诉手机它是一个@ 2x图像,但这样的东西应该有效:

UIImage * img = ...;
img = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:img.CGImage scale:2 orientation:img.imageOrientation];

由于iOS 6.0 UIImage有方法+ imageWithData:scale:你可以传递2.0作为视网膜的比例。

您可以将[[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]作为scale参数而不是2.0f


let image = UIImage(data: imageData, scale: UIScreen.main.scale)

put this in your .m if you want or on an imported class (the syntax of c is nicer when calling the function IMAO) 如果你想要或在导入的类上放入你的.m(调用函数IMAO时c的语法更好)

BOOL isRetina(){
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)]) {
        return [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2.0;
    return NO;

Then when creating the image with the server data: 然后在使用服务器数据创建映像时:

[UIImage imageWithData:dataFromServer scale:isRetina()?2:1];

AFAIK you don't need to set the scale value yourself. AFAIK您不需要自己设置比例值。 The OS will handle the points to pixel translation for you. 操作系统将为您处理点到像素的转换。

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