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[英]Limit floating point precision?

Is there a way to round floating points to 2 points?有没有办法将浮点四舍五入到 2 点? Eg: 3576.7675745342556 becomes 3576.76 .例如: 3576.7675745342556变成3576.76

round(x * 100) / 100.0

If you must keep things floats:如果你必须保持浮动:

roundf(x * 100) / 100.0

Flexible version using standard library functions:使用标准库函数的灵活版本:

double GetFloatPrecision(double value, double precision)
    return (floor((value * pow(10, precision) + 0.5)) / pow(10, precision)); 

If you are printing it out, instead use whatever print formatting function available to you.如果您要打印出来,请改用您可用的任何打印格式功能。

In c++在 C++ 中

cout << setprecision(2) << f; 

For rounding to render to GUI, use std::ostringstream要舍入以呈现到 GUI,请使用 std::ostringstream

For those of you googling to format a float to money like I was:对于那些像我一样使用谷歌搜索将浮点数格式化为货币的人:

#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

std::string money_format (float val)
    std::ostringstream oss;

    oss << std::fixed << std::setfill ('0') << std::setprecision (2) << val;

    return oss.str();
// 12.3456 --> "12.35"
// 1.2 --> "1.20"

You must return it as a string.您必须将其作为字符串返回。 Putting it back into a float will lose the precision.将它放回浮点数会失去精度。

乘以 100,四舍五入为整数(无论如何你想要),除以 100。请注意,由于 1/100 不能用浮点精确表示,请考虑保留固定精度整数。

Don't use floats.不要使用浮动。 Use integers storing the number of cents and print a decimal point before the last 2 places if you want to print dollars.如果要打印美元,请使用存储美分数的整数并在最后 2 位之前打印小数点。 Floats are almost always wrong for money unless you're doing simplistic calculations (like naive economic mathematical models) where only the magnitude of the numbers really matters and you never subtract nearby numbers.浮点数对于金钱来说几乎总是错误的,除非你在做简单的计算(比如简单的经济数学模型),其中只有数字的大小才是真正重要的,而且你永远不会减去附近的数字。

try use尝试使用


should works and only 2 digit after the floating point appear.应该可以工作,并且浮点数出现后只有 2 位数字。

I didn't find a clean answer that satisfied me since most of the clean answers assume you need to print the result which might not be the case if you are just storing some data to the acceptable resolution:我没有找到让我满意的干净答案,因为大多数干净的答案都假设您需要打印结果,如果您只是将一些数据存储到可接受的分辨率,则情况可能并非如此:

#include <sstream>

template<typename T>
T toPrecision(T input, unsigned precision)
    static std::stringstream ss;

    T output;
    ss << std::fixed;
    ss << input;
    ss >> output;

    return output;

template<unsigned P, typename T>
T toPrecision(T input) { return toPrecision(input, P); }

// compile-time version
double newValue = toPrecision<2>(5.9832346739); // newValue: 5.98
// run-time version
double newValue = toPrecision(3.1415, 2); // newValue: 3.14

You can also add static checks for T and precision (in the case of the compile-time signature).您还可以为Tprecision添加静态检查(在编译时签名的情况下)。

To limit the precision:要限制精度:
If x is a float, no rounding:如果 x 是浮点数,则不舍入:
(shift up by 2 decimal digits, strip the fraction, shift down by 2 decimal digits) (上移2位小数,去掉小数,下移2位小数)

((int)(x*100.0)) / 100.0F

Float w/ rounding:带四舍五入的浮动:

((int)(x*100.0 + 0.5F)) / 100.0F

Double w/o rounding:双无四舍五入:

((long int)(x*100.0)) / 100.0

Double w/ rounding:双带四舍五入:

((long int)(x*100.0 + 0.5)) / 100.0

Note: Because x is either a float or a double , the fractional part will always be there.注意:因为 x 要么是float要么是double ,所以小数部分将始终存在。 It is the difference between how a # is represented ( IEEE 754 ) and the #'s precision.这是 # 的表示方式 ( IEEE 754 ) 和 # 的精度之间的区别。
C99 supports round() C99 支持round()

Try this, it works perfectly试试这个,它完美地工作


change some objects in it to see and learn the code.更改其中的一些对象以查看和学习代码。

yourFloatNumber= Float.Round(yourFloatNumber,2); // In C#

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