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[英]List all SQL instances, and their tables

I want to list all SQL server instances and their tables. 我想列出所有SQL Server实例及其表。

I have code that lists all the servers correctly but I cannot seem to get a list of their tables. 我有正确列出所有服务器的代码,但似乎无法获得其表的列表。

        DataTable dataSources = SqlDataSourceEnumerator.Instance.GetDataSources();
        foreach (DataRow row in dataSources.Rows)
            Console.WriteLine("Server Name:" + row["ServerName"]);

            foreach (var item in row.ItemArray)
                Console.WriteLine(" - Item: "+ item);

You can query what tables are in a db using sys.Tables . 您可以使用sys.Tables查询数据库中的sys.Tables See below: 见下文:

USE YourDBName
SELECT name FROM sys.Tables

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