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[英]OutOfMemory Error java heap space

I'm using this statement 我正在使用这个声明

//some code
int a[][]=new int[5000000][5000000];
//some code

and running it with command 并使用命令运行它

java -mx512m Test

It is giving OutOFMemoryError: Java Heap space indicating the line number of the mentioned statement in the stacktrace 它给出了OutOFMemoryError:Java堆空间,指示堆栈跟踪中提到的语句的行号

How do i solve this problem 我该如何解决这个问题

Edit: I'm trying to solve a practice problem on codechef 编辑:我正在尝试解决codechef上练习问题

You may need to consider an approach to your problem which requires less memory. 您可能需要考虑一种需要较少内存的问题方法。

From Google Calculator (assuming a 64bit integer size): 来自Google Calculator(假设64位整数):

(5 000 000^2) * 64 bits = 186 264.515 gigabytes

我遇到了Eclips关注Java堆的同样问题,解决方法是将mx512m修改为mx4096m或mx2048m(扩展允许的最大内存限制)所以在你的情况下尝试命令java -mx4096m Test将允许java使用4你公羊的GB

I think the data structure you are looking for is a sparse matrix. 我认为您正在寻找的数据结构是稀疏矩阵。 Store your elements along with their coordinates in a map data structure (eg. Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> for a 2d sparse array) and just assume anything not in the map is zero. 将元素及其坐标存储在地图数据结构中(例如Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>>对于2d稀疏数组Map<Integer,Map<Integer,Integer>> ),并假设不在地图中的任何内容为零。

Well, that's 25 trillion ints, each of which takes 4 bytes, so 100 trillion bytes overall. 那么,这是25万亿英镑,每个占用4个字节,总计100万亿字节。 Easiest solution is to buy ~90 terabytes of RAM and a 64 bit OS. 最简单的解决方案是购买~90TB的RAM和64位操作系统。

Seriously though, the correct solution is probably to allocate a more reasonable data structure that can store the data more efficiently, assuming that you don't actually need to load 90 terabytes of data into RAM at once. 但说真的,正确的解决方案可能是分配一个更合理的数据结构,可以更有效地存储数据,假设你实际上并不需要一次将90TB的数据加载到RAM中。 Perhaps if you post more about the problem, we can give a better answer? 也许如果你发布更多有关问题的信息,我们可以给出更好的答案吗?

Amongst the other answers, you have a typo in your command. 在其他答案中,你的命令中有一个拼写错误。

It should be: java -Xmx512M Test 它应该是: java -Xmx512M Test

You are using too much memory. 你使用的内存太多了。 Use less or have more. 少用或少用。 Each int element is 32-bits. 每个int元素都是32位。 And your memory limit of 512MB is much less than you think it is. 你的内存限制为512MB远远低于你的想象。

for int[5000000][5000000] you need 100000000000000B or 100000GB. 对于int [5000000] [5000000],您需要100000000000000B或100000GB。 So you only can wait about 100 years when something like that is going to be possible. 所以你只能等待大约100年才能实现这样的目标。

You need a more enlightened data structure. 您需要一个更加开明的数据结构。 Unless you actually NEED 25 trillion integers, which is doubtful. 除非你实际上需要25万亿个整数,这是值得怀疑的。

That's a matrix with 5 million columns and 5 million rows. 这是一个包含500万列和500万行的矩阵。 Is that really what you wanted? 这真的是你想要的吗?

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