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熟悉.NET - 最好的方法是什么?

[英]Getting familiar with .NET - What's the best way?

I have a friend of mine who owns his own software consulting business. 我有一个朋友,他拥有自己的软件咨询业务。 Most of the stuff his employees work on is .NET related development. 他的员工所从事的大部分工作都是与.NET相关的开发。 He's been out of actual development for many years, and has been focused on building his business. 多年来,他一直缺乏实际的发展,并一直专注于建立自己的业务。 He asked me the best way to get familiar with the whole .NET platform and development under .NET. 他问我熟悉.NET下整个.NET平台和开发的最佳方法。 Is anyone aware of a video training series, or something similar, that's designed to get someone up to speed on all aspects of .NET? 是否有人知道视频培训系列或类似的东西,旨在让人们快速了解.NET的各个方面?


My guess is that he doesn't have to cover all of .NET, but a great way to get up to speed with both C# and a significant part of the .NET framework is the C# 4.0 in a Nutshell book . 我的猜测是他不必覆盖整个 .NET,但是使用C#和.NET框架的一个重要部分来加快速度的好方法是Nutshell书中C#4.0 It assumes some programming experience and covers a lot of stuff. 它假设了一些编程经验并涵盖了很多东西。

In my opinion the first step is to read a book which covers different parts of .Net Framework. 在我看来,第一步是阅读一本涵盖.Net Framework不同部分的书。 Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform is one possible book as it covers different technologies such as WPF, WCF, Linq, Ef, Asp.Net. Pro C#2010和.NET 4平台是一本可能的书,因为它涵盖了不同的技术,如WPF,WCF,Linq,Ef,Asp.Net。 They are not discussed in depth but is a good resource for getting familiar with current technology stack. 它们没有深入讨论,但却是熟悉当前技术堆栈的良好资源。

Also, I would recommend actually developing in .Net as is many knowledge comes from the actually doing it. 此外,我建议实际开发.Net,因为许多知识来自实际的。

In addition to the other answers, maybe your friend could sit in on any code reviews, design sessions or even perform pair programming with the other developers once he gets a basic understanding of things on his own. 除了其他答案之外,也许你的朋友可以参与任何代码审查,设计会话,甚至可以在与他自己基本了解事物后与其他开发人员进行配对编程。 I suppose this could be difficult in a consulting business vs. regular development shop though. 我认为这在咨询业务与常规开发商店之间可能很难。

In addition to all of the books and blogs which will be mentioned, I always recommend people start learning with something practical . 除了将要提到的所有书籍和博客之外,我总是建议人们开始学习实用的东西。

When I'm teaching I make up simple exercises broken down into chunks like build a basic database, try simple things like displaying the data, filter the data using drop down, add auto postbacks and update panels, updating the data in the DB. 当我在教学时,我将简单的练习分解成块,比如构建基本数据库,尝试简单的事情,比如显示数据,使用下拉过滤数据,添加自动回发和更新面板,更新数据库中的数据。 It doesn't take long to get an overview of the basic concepts, techniques and tools when presented with examples. 在提供示例时,不需要很长时间就可以概述基本概念,技术和工具。 And then it's down to experimentation, imagination, and research! 然后是实验,想象和研究!

  1. Buy Visual Studio and an MSDN membership - in case its a startup there maybe various options to reduce this cost (Bizspark/Websitespark) 购买Visual Studio和MSDN会员资格 - 如果它是一个初创公司,可能会有各种选项来降低这个成本(Bizspark / Websitespark)

  2. Go through common walkthroughs - areas to go through are Winforms, Asp.net, Asp.net Ajax in that order. 通过常见的演练 - 按顺序通过Winforms,Asp.net,Asp.net Ajax。 Can go through WCF, Silverlight and other framework options later. 稍后可以通过WCF,Silverlight和其他框架选项。

  3. Search the web for 'Azure trial' - supposedly, there is a one month free pass available. 在网上搜索“Azure试用版” - 据说可以提供一个月的免费通行证。 Dont know if this is real, but if it is, take it and deploy simple applications on the cloud - learn what Windows Azure and Sql azure are all about. 不知道这是否真实,但如果是,请接受它并在云上部署简单的应用程序 - 了解Windows Azure和Sql azure的全部内容。 After a while can learn about Appfabric messaging platform as well. 一段时间后也可以了解Appfabric消息传递平台。

After this, start deep-diving into any areas of the technology depending on project needs. 在此之后,根据项目需求,深入探索技术的任何领域。

more than reading any book what made get started with .NET was doing projects. 不仅仅是阅读任何一本书,开始使用.NET的是做项目。 Start building a web site if you want to learn ASP.NET, you get to learn C# and VB as well like this. 如果你想学习ASP.NET,就开始建立一个网站,你也可以像这样学习C#和VB。 Just by reading a book each chapter would take lot of time. 只需阅读一本书,每一章都会花费很多时间。 Initially you will do lot of mistakes and you will frequently get the dreaded yellow error page. 最初你会犯很多错误,你会经常得到可怕的黄色错误页面。 The more mistakes you make, the merrier. 你犯的错误越多越好。 My experience with .NET is limited to ASP.NET, C#,LINQ, web services, SQL Server 2008. But it took less than 20 days for me to get to know about all these stuff. 我使用.NET的经验仅限于ASP.NET,C#,LINQ,Web服务,SQL Server 2008.但是我花了不到20天的时间来了解所有这些内容。 Now I am trying to do WPF, WCF, Silverlight projects. 现在我正在尝试做WPF,WCF,Silverlight项目。 IF I read any .NET book now, it wouldn't take much time for me to complete it. 如果我现在阅读任何.NET书籍,我完成它不会花费太多时间。

I realy suggest to use a step by step teach your self book. 我真的建议一步一步地教你自己的书。 They are good for beginners and have some practices maybe something from SAMS publishing like Teach yourself c# in 21 days 它们对初学者有好处,并且有一些实践可能来自SAMS出版,比如在21天内自学c#

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