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如何反转 FOR 循环中的顺序

[英]How to reverse the order in a FOR loop

I've a simple FOR statement like this:我有一个简单的 FOR 语句,如下所示:

var num = 10,
    reverse = false;


when reverse is false I want it to return something like [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]reverse为 false 我希望它返回类似 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

but, when reverse is true, it should return [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]但是,当reverse为真时,它应该返回 [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]

Which is the most efficient way to get this result, without checking every time if reverse is true or false inside the loop?哪个是获得此结果的最有效方法,无需每次都检查循环内的reverse是真还是假?

I don't want to do this:我不想这样做:

var num = 10,
    reverse = false;

    if(reverse) console.log(num-i)
    else console.log(i)

I would like to check reverse only one time outside the loop.我只想在循环外检查一次反向

var num = 10,
reverse = false;

if(!reverse) for( var i=0;i<num;i++) log(i);
else         while(num-- )      log(num);

   // to avoid duplication if the code gets long
function log( num ) { console.log( num ); }


As noted in the comments below, if i is not declared elsewhere and you do not intend for it to be global, then declare it with the other variables you declared.正如下面的评论中所指出的,如果i未在其他地方声明并且您不打算将其设为全局,则使用您声明的其他变量对其进行声明。

And if you don't want to modify the value of num , then assign it to i first.如果您不想修改num的值,则先将其分配给i

var num = 10,
reverse = false,

if(!reverse) for(var i=0;i<num;i++) log(i);   // Count up
else         {var i=num; while(i--) log(i);}  // Count down

function log( num ) { console.log( num ); }

Try use 2 loops:尝试使用 2 个循环:

if (reverse) {
else {
var num = 10,
    reverse = false;

for (var i = 0, n = reverse?num-1:0, d = reverse?-1:1; i < num; i++, n+=d) {

This is equivalent to the following, which is more readable, but less compact:这等效于以下内容,它更具可读性,但不那么紧凑:

var num = 10,
    reverse = false;

var start = reverse ? num-1 : 0,
    end   = reverse ? -1 : num,
    step  = reverse ? -1 : 1;
for (var i = start; i != end; i += step) {

Actually, these two solutions are not identical, because the first one has an additional increment operation.实际上,这两个解决方案并不相同,因为第一个解决方案有一个额外的增量操作。 Still, it is negligible from performance point of view.尽管如此,从性能的角度来看,它可以忽略不计。 If you really want to get a compact solution that has the best performance, you can do the following (not for the faint of heart):如果您真的想获得具有最佳性能的紧凑解决方案,您可以执行以下操作(不适合胆小的人):

var num = 10,
    reverse = false;

for (var r=reverse, i=r?num-1:0, n=r?-1:num, d=r?-1:1; i!=n; i+=d) {

This has the advantage of having a single control structure, a single test in each loop, and a single iterator addition.这具有单个控制结构、每个循环中的单个测试和单个迭代器添加的优点。 It is not as fast as having an iterator increment/decrement, but only marginally so.它没有迭代器递增/递减那么快,但只是略微如此。

var start; var end; var inc;
if (reverse) {
    start = num-1; end = 0; inc = -1;
else {
    start = 0; end = num-1; inc = 1;

I just came across the need for this the other day.前几天我刚遇到这个需求。 Here's how I did it:这是我如何做到的:

var num = 10,
    i = 0,
    direction = 1, 
    reverse = false;

    i = num + (direction = num = -1);

for(; i !== num; i += direction) {

No need for separate loops, and no need to do math to calculate the proper i in the loop.不需要单独的循环,也不需要做数学运算来计算循环中的正确i

So if reverse is true ...所以如果reversetrue ......

  • i (which represents our first item) becomes num - 1 , so we're now starting on what would have been the last item i (代表我们的第一个项目)变成num - 1 ,所以我们现在从最后一个项目开始

  • num (which represents out of bounds) becomes -1 , so we're now stopping on what would have been the first item num (代表越界)变为-1 ,所以我们现在停止在第一个项目上

  • direction is -1 , which means it will decrement when we do i += direction direction-1 ,这意味着当我们做i += direction时它会递减

So by swapping our starting point with our ending point and changing the alteration of i from 1 to -1 , we'll be going up or down based on those modifications.因此,通过将起点与终点交换并将i的变化从1更改为-1 ,我们将根据这些修改上升或下降。

I think this meets your requirements:我认为这符合您的要求:

var num = 10;
var reverse = false;
var diff = 0;

if (reverse) {
    diff = num - 1;

for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    console.log(Math.abs(diff - i));


for (i = num; --i >= 0; ) ...

And what's your problem with:你有什么问题:

   if (reverse)
     for(i=num-1; i>=0;i--){ 

} }

Roy's is similar to mine, but here's what I was thinking.罗伊的和我的很相似,但这是我的想法。 I'll give you what I wrote in C# and how I think it translates to Javascript.我会给你我用 C# 写的东西,以及我认为它是如何转换成 Javascript 的。

C# C#

    int num = 10;
    bool reverse = true;

    for (int i = reverse ? num : 0; (reverse ? 0 : i) < (reverse ? i : num); i += reverse ? -1 : 1)
        Console.Write((reverse ? i - 1 : i).ToString());

Javascript Javascript

        var num = 10,
        reverse = true;

    for (int i = reverse ? num : 0; (reverse ? 0 : i) < (reverse ? i : num); i += reverse ? -1 : 1)
        console.log(reverse ? i - 1 : i);

And here's another way这是另一种方式
Javascript Javascript

    var num = 10,
        reverse = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      console.log((reverse ? abs(-num + (i + 1)) : i));


It seems to work:它似乎有效:

  var num = 10;
  var z = 1;
  var k = -10;
  if (reverse ){
    k = -1;
    z = -1;
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

Surely in a language like Javascript there must be a way to define a local function and use that in the loop?当然,在像 Javascript 这样的语言中,必须有一种方法来定义本地函数并在循环中使用它吗?

function SubtractFrom(val, subtractor) {
    return val - subtractor;

function PassThrough(val) {
    return val;

var num = 10;
var processor = reverse ? SubtractFrom(num-1) : PassThrough;

for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {

Not knowing Javascript though, I don't know what actual form the function definitions would take.虽然不知道 Javascript,但我不知道函数定义会采用什么实际形式。

//reverse a number
let c = [2,3,5,67,4]
let sum = '';
let d = c.toString().split('')
for(let i = d.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    sum += d[i]

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