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[英]How do I get a numeric or string value for a javascript object such as window instead of the string [object]

How do I get a numeric or string value for a javascript object such as window instead of the string [object] 如何获取javascript对象(如窗口而不是字符串[object])的数值或字符串值

Looking for something like an object id, like 44001 or 0xFF0012 that is unique for that object 寻找类似对象id的东西,如44001或0xFF0012,对于该对象是唯一的

Javascript doesn't keep a python-like unique hash for each object. Javascript没有为每个对象保留类似python的唯一哈希值。 You could create a function to assign a unique string to an object, or retrieve the string if it's already been assigned. 您可以创建一个函数来为对象分配唯一的字符串,或者检索已经分配的字符串。

var getUniqueId = (function(){

  // uncomment this block if you want to avoid memory leaks
  // in browsers with crappy garbage collectors.
  try {
    window.addEventListener('unload', cleanup);
    window.addEventListener('beforeunload', cleanup);
  } catch (_) { try {
    window.attachEvent('onunload', cleanup);
    window.attachEvent('onbeforeunload', cleanup);
  } catch (__){}}

  function cleanup () { guid.knownObjects.length=0; }


  return guid;

  function guid (obj) {
    for (var i=guid.knownObjects.length; i--;) {
      if (guid.knownObjects[i][0]===obj) return guid.knownObjects[i][1];
    var uid='x'+(+(''+Math.random()).substring(2)).toString(32);
    guid.knownObjects.push([obj, uid]);
    return uid;


Testing it out: 测试出来:

> "x7onn8ne58ug"

> "x9jeriqjdf9o"

> "x9jeriqjdf9o"

> "x7onn8ne58ug"

You can do console.dir(getUniqueId.knownObjects) for some useful debugging info. 您可以执行console.dir(getUniqueId.knownObjects)以获取一些有用的调试信息。

> [
  0: DOMWindow
  1: "x7onn8ne58ug"
  0: HTMLDocument
  1: "x9jeriqjdf9o"

Javascript has no native support for unique identifiers. Javascript没有唯一标识符的本机支持。

You can change the Object prototype to include one. 您可以更改Object原型以包含一个。

Check this thread: JavaScript Object Id 检查此线程: JavaScript Object Id

What string representation of window would you expect to see? 你希望看到什么样的window字符串表示?

Objects which provide a toString implementation to the JS runtime are responsible for their own value. 为JS运行时提供toString实现的对象负责自己的值。 So some object like HTMLElement could return, say, the innerHTML for its toString . 因此像HTMLElement这样的对象可以返回其toStringinnerHTML But it doesn't, so the default is the type name. 但它没有,所以默认是类型名称。

You can write a basic debug like this, where you pass your object as o: 您可以编写这样的基本调试,将对象作为o传递:

function debug(o){
   var r = '';
   for (var k in o){
      r += k + ' => ' + o[k] + '\n';

Or you can search for a dump or print_r eaquivalent like this one: http://geekswithblogs.net/svanvliet/archive/2006/03/23/simple-javascript-object-dump-function.aspx 或者您可以搜索与此类似的转储或print_r: http ://geekswithblogs.net/svanvliet/archive/2006/03/23/simple-javascript-object-dump-function.aspx

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