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使用 Interlocked.Increment 的 C# 对象池

[英]C# Object Pooling With Interlocked.Increment

I have seen many good object pool implementations.我见过很多很好的对象池实现。 For example: C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation .例如: C# 对象池模式实现

But it seems like the thread-safe ones always use a lock and never try to use Interlocked.* operations.但似乎线程安全的总是使用锁并且从不尝试使用 Interlocked.* 操作。

It seems easy to write one that doesn't allow returning objects to the pool (just a big array with a pointer that Interlocked.Increments).编写一个不允许将对象返回到池中的代码似乎很容易(只是一个带有 Interlocked.Increments 指针的大数组)。 But I can't think of any way to write one that lets you return objects.但是我想不出任何方法来编写一个让您返回对象的方法。 Has anyone done this?有没有人做过这个?

Think hard about why you need object pooling anyway - there is no discussion here of the objects that are pooled.仔细想想为什么你需要对象池——这里没有讨论被池化的对象。 For most objects, using the managed heap will provide the necessary functionality without the headaches of a new pool manager in your own code.对于大多数对象,使用托管堆将提供必要的功能,而无需在您自己的代码中使用新的池管理器。 Only if your object encapsulates hard-to-establish or hard-to-release resources is object pooling in managed code worth considering.只有当您的对象封装了难以建立或难以释放的资源时,托管代码中的对象池才值得考虑。

If you do need to do it yourself, then there is a lightweight reader/writer lock that might be useful in optimizing the pool accesses.如果您确实需要自己做,那么有一个轻量级的读取器/写入器锁可能对优化池访问很有用。

http://theburningmonk.com/2010/02/threading-using-readerwriterlockslim/ http://theburningmonk.com/2010/02/threading-using-readerwriterlockslim/

I've done it with a lock-free queue built as a singly-linked list.我已经使用构建为单链表的无锁队列来完成它。 The following has some irrelevant stuff cut out and I haven't tested it with that stuff removed, but should at least give the idea.以下内容删除了一些不相关的内容,我还没有在删除这些内容的情况下对其进行测试,但至少应该给出想法。

internal sealed class LockFreeQueue<T>
  private sealed class Node
    public readonly T Item;
    public Node Next;
    public Node(T item)
      Item = item;
  private volatile Node _head;
  private volatile Node _tail;
  public LockFreeQueue()
    _head = _tail = new Node(default(T));
#pragma warning disable 420 // volatile semantics not lost as only by-ref calls are interlocked
  public void Enqueue(T item)
    Node newNode = new Node(item);
      Node curTail = _tail;
      if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref curTail.Next, newNode, null) == null)   //append to the tail if it is indeed the tail.
        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tail, newNode, curTail);   //CAS in case we were assisted by an obstructed thread.
        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tail, curTail.Next, curTail);  //assist obstructing thread.
  public bool TryDequeue(out T item)
      Node curHead = _head;
      Node curTail = _tail;
      Node curHeadNext = curHead.Next;
      if (curHead == curTail)
        if (curHeadNext == null)
          item = default(T);
          return false;
          Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _tail, curHeadNext, curTail);   // assist obstructing thread
        item = curHeadNext.Item;
        if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _head, curHeadNext, curHead) == curHead)
          return true;
#pragma warning restore 420

If your reason for pooling was the raw performance consideration of allocation and collection then the fact that this allocates and collects makes it pretty useless.如果您使用池的原因是分配和收集的原始性能考虑,那么这种分配和收集的事实使它变得毫无用处。 If it's because an underlying resource is expensive to obtain and/or release, or because the instances cache "learned" information in use, then it may suit.如果是因为获取和/或释放底层资源的成本很高,或者因为实例缓存了正在使用的“学习”信息,那么它可能适合。

The problem with returning reference objects is that it defeats the entire attempt to lock access to it in the first place.返回引用对象的问题在于它首先挫败了锁定对它的访问的整个尝试。 You can't use a basic lock() command to control access to a resource outside the scope of the object, and that means that the traditional getter/setter designs don't work.您不能使用基本的 lock() 命令来控制对对象范围之外的资源的访问,这意味着传统的 getter/setter 设计不起作用。

Something that MAY work is an object that contains lockable resources, and allows lambdas or delegates to be passed in that will make use of the resource.可以工作的东西是一个包含可锁定资源的对象,并允许传入 lambdas 或委托以使用资源。 The object will lock the resource, run the delegate, then unlock when the delegate completes.该对象将锁定资源,运行委托,然后在委托完成时解锁。 This basically puts control over running the code into the hands of the locking object, but would allow more complex operations than Interlocked has available.这基本上将运行代码的控制权交给了锁定对象,但会允许比 Interlocked 更复杂的操作。

Another possible method is to expose getters and setters, but implement your own access control by using a "checkout" model;另一种可能的方法是公开 getter 和 setter,但通过使用“结帐”模型实现您自己的访问控制; when a thread is allowed to "get" a value, keep a reference to the current thread in a locked internal resource.当允许线程“获取”值时,在锁定的内部资源中保留对当前线程的引用。 Until that thread calls the setter, aborts, etc., all other threads attempting to access the getter are kept in a Yield loop.在该线程调用 setter、中止等之前,所有其他尝试访问 getter 的线程都保持在 Yield 循环中。 Once the resource is checked back in, the next thread can get it.一旦资源被重新签入,下一个线程就可以获取它。

public class Library
   private Book controlledBook
   private Thread checkoutThread;

   public Book CheckOutTheBook()
      while(Thread.CurrentThread != checkoutThread && checkoutThread.IsAlive)

         checkoutThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

         return controlledBook;

   public void CheckInTheBook(Book theBook)
      if(Thread.CurrentThread != checkoutThread)
          throw new InvalidOperationException("This thread does not have the resource checked out.");

         checkoutThread = null;

         controlledBook = theBook;


Now, be aware that this still requires some cooperation among users of the object.现在请注意,这仍然需要对象用户之间的一些合作。 Particularly, this logic is rather naive with regards to the setter;特别是,这种逻辑对于 setter 来说是相当幼稚的; it is impossible to check in a book without having checked it out.没有签过书就不可能签到书。 This rule may not be apparent to consumers, and improper use could cause an unhandled exception.这条规则对消费者来说可能并不明显,使用不当可能会导致未处理的异常。 Also, all users must know to check the object back in if they will stop using it before they terminate, even though basic C# knowledge would dictate that if you get a reference type, changes you make are reflected everywhere.此外,所有用户都必须知道如果他们将在终止之前停止使用它,就必须重新检入该对象,即使基本的 C# 知识会规定,如果您获得一个引用类型,您所做的更改将反映在任何地方。 However, this can be used as a basic "one at a time" access control to a non-thread-safe resource.但是,这可以用作对非线程安全资源的基本“一次一个”访问控制。

Have you looked at the Concurrent collection in .Net 4.您是否看过 .Net 4 中的 Concurrent 集合。

eg http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd287191.aspx例如http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd287191.aspx

Good question.好问题。 When writing high performance software embracing zero allocation patterns by using a fast object pool is critical.在编写包含零分配模式的高性能软件时,使用快速对象池至关重要。

Microsoft released an object pool under Apache License 2.0微软在 Apache License 2.0 下发布了一个对象池

It avoids using locks and only uses Interlocked.CompareExchange for Allocations (Get).它避免使用锁,只使用 Interlocked.CompareExchange 进行分配(获取)。 It seems particularly fast when you get and release few objects at a time which is most use cases.当您一次获取和释放很少的对象时,这似乎特别快,这是大多数用例。 It seems less optimized if you get a large batch of objects, then release the batch so if your application behaves like that you should modify.如果您获得大量对象,然后释放该批次,那么它似乎不太优化,因此如果您的应用程序表现得像您应该修改的那样。

I think the Interlocked.Increment approach, as you suggested, could be more general and work better for the batch use cases.我认为 Interlocked.Increment 方法,正如你所建议的,可能更通用,更适合批处理用例。

http://sourceroslyn.io/#Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces/ObjectPool%25601.cs,98aa6d9b3c4e313b http://sourceroslyn.io/#Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces/ObjectPool%25601.cs,98aa6d9b3c4e313b

// Copyright (c) Microsoft.  All Rights Reserved.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  See License.txt in the project root for license information.

// define TRACE_LEAKS to get additional diagnostics that can lead to the leak sources. note: it will
// make everything about 2-3x slower
// #define TRACE_LEAKS

// define DETECT_LEAKS to detect possible leaks
// #if DEBUG
// #define DETECT_LEAKS  //for now always enable DETECT_LEAKS in debug.
// #endif

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
    /// <summary>
    /// Generic implementation of object pooling pattern with predefined pool size limit. The main
    /// purpose is that limited number of frequently used objects can be kept in the pool for
    /// further recycling.
    /// Notes: 
    /// 1) it is not the goal to keep all returned objects. Pool is not meant for storage. If there
    ///    is no space in the pool, extra returned objects will be dropped.
    /// 2) it is implied that if object was obtained from a pool, the caller will return it back in
    ///    a relatively short time. Keeping checked out objects for long durations is ok, but 
    ///    reduces usefulness of pooling. Just new up your own.
    /// Not returning objects to the pool in not detrimental to the pool's work, but is a bad practice. 
    /// Rationale: 
    ///    If there is no intent for reusing the object, do not use pool - just use "new". 
    /// </summary>
    internal class ObjectPool<T> where T : class
        private struct Element
            internal T Value;

        /// <remarks>
        /// Not using System.Func{T} because this file is linked into the (debugger) Formatter,
        /// which does not have that type (since it compiles against .NET 2.0).
        /// </remarks>
        internal delegate T Factory();

        // Storage for the pool objects. The first item is stored in a dedicated field because we
        // expect to be able to satisfy most requests from it.
        private T _firstItem;
        private readonly Element[] _items;

        // factory is stored for the lifetime of the pool. We will call this only when pool needs to
        // expand. compared to "new T()", Func gives more flexibility to implementers and faster
        // than "new T()".
        private readonly Factory _factory;

        private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<T, LeakTracker> leakTrackers = new ConditionalWeakTable<T, LeakTracker>();

        private class LeakTracker : IDisposable
            private volatile bool disposed;

            internal volatile object Trace = null;

            public void Dispose()
                disposed = true;

            private string GetTrace()
                return Trace == null ? "" : Trace.ToString();
                return "Leak tracing information is disabled. Define TRACE_LEAKS on ObjectPool`1.cs to get more info \n";

                if (!this.disposed && !Environment.HasShutdownStarted)
                    var trace = GetTrace();

                    // If you are seeing this message it means that object has been allocated from the pool 
                    // and has not been returned back. This is not critical, but turns pool into rather 
                    // inefficient kind of "new".
                    Debug.WriteLine($"TRACEOBJECTPOOLLEAKS_BEGIN\nPool detected potential leaking of {typeof(T)}. \n Location of the leak: \n {GetTrace()} TRACEOBJECTPOOLLEAKS_END");

        internal ObjectPool(Factory factory)
            : this(factory, Environment.ProcessorCount * 2)
        { }

        internal ObjectPool(Factory factory, int size)
            Debug.Assert(size >= 1);
            _factory = factory;
            _items = new Element[size - 1];

        private T CreateInstance()
            var inst = _factory();
            return inst;

        /// <summary>
        /// Produces an instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
        /// Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically 
        /// reducing how far we will typically search.
        /// </remarks>
        internal T Allocate()
            // PERF: Examine the first element. If that fails, AllocateSlow will look at the remaining elements.
            // Note that the initial read is optimistically not synchronized. That is intentional. 
            // We will interlock only when we have a candidate. in a worst case we may miss some
            // recently returned objects. Not a big deal.
            T inst = _firstItem;
            if (inst == null || inst != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _firstItem, null, inst))
                inst = AllocateSlow();

            var tracker = new LeakTracker();
            leakTrackers.Add(inst, tracker);

            var frame = CaptureStackTrace();
            tracker.Trace = frame;
            return inst;

        private T AllocateSlow()
            var items = _items;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                // Note that the initial read is optimistically not synchronized. That is intentional. 
                // We will interlock only when we have a candidate. in a worst case we may miss some
                // recently returned objects. Not a big deal.
                T inst = items[i].Value;
                if (inst != null)
                    if (inst == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref items[i].Value, null, inst))
                        return inst;

            return CreateInstance();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns objects to the pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness.
        /// Note that Free will try to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically 
        /// reducing how far we will typically search in Allocate.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void Free(T obj)

            if (_firstItem == null)
                // Intentionally not using interlocked here. 
                // In a worst case scenario two objects may be stored into same slot.
                // It is very unlikely to happen and will only mean that one of the objects will get collected.
                _firstItem = obj;

        private void FreeSlow(T obj)
            var items = _items;
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                if (items[i].Value == null)
                    // Intentionally not using interlocked here. 
                    // In a worst case scenario two objects may be stored into same slot.
                    // It is very unlikely to happen and will only mean that one of the objects will get collected.
                    items[i].Value = obj;

        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an object from leak tracking.  
        /// This is called when an object is returned to the pool.  It may also be explicitly 
        /// called if an object allocated from the pool is intentionally not being returned
        /// to the pool.  This can be of use with pooled arrays if the consumer wants to 
        /// return a larger array to the pool than was originally allocated.
        /// </summary>
        internal void ForgetTrackedObject(T old, T replacement = null)
            LeakTracker tracker;
            if (leakTrackers.TryGetValue(old, out tracker))
                var trace = CaptureStackTrace();
                Debug.WriteLine($"TRACEOBJECTPOOLLEAKS_BEGIN\nObject of type {typeof(T)} was freed, but was not from pool. \n Callstack: \n {trace} TRACEOBJECTPOOLLEAKS_END");

            if (replacement != null)
                tracker = new LeakTracker();
                leakTrackers.Add(replacement, tracker);

        private static Lazy<Type> _stackTraceType = new Lazy<Type>(() => Type.GetType("System.Diagnostics.StackTrace"));

        private static object CaptureStackTrace()
            return Activator.CreateInstance(_stackTraceType.Value);

        private void Validate(object obj)
            Debug.Assert(obj != null, "freeing null?");

            Debug.Assert(_firstItem != obj, "freeing twice?");

            var items = _items;
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                var value = items[i].Value;
                if (value == null)

                Debug.Assert(value != obj, "freeing twice?");

I cannot see any real benefit in using Interlocked also that it has to be used in an unsafe manner.我看不到使用 Interlocked 的任何真正好处,因为它必须以不安全的方式使用。 Lock, is only changing a bit flag on the object's memory space - very very fast indeed.锁定,只是改变对象内存空间上的一个标志位——确实非常快。 Interlocked is a tad better since it could be done on the registers and not in the memory. Interlocked 稍微好一点,因为它可以在寄存器上而不是在内存中完成。

Are you experiencing a performance problem?您是否遇到性能问题? What is the main purpose of such code?此类代码的主要目的是什么? At the end of the day C# is designed to abstract memory management from you so that you focus on your business problem.归根结底,C# 旨在从您那里抽象出内存管理,以便您专注于您的业务问题。

Remember, if you need to manage memory yourself and use unsafe pointers, you have to pin the memory area = extra performance cost.请记住,如果您需要自己管理内存并使用不安全的指针,则必须固定内存区域 = 额外的性能成本。

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