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使用ActionEvent getModifiers方法的JTextField问题

[英]JTextField problem with ActionEvent getModifiers method

When I hit the enter key into a JTextField and I'm pressing one modifier key (like Ctrl or Alt) the ActionEvent is not fired and thus I can't check the modifier key just pressed. 当我在JTextField按下Enter键并按下一个修饰键(如Ctrl或Alt)时,不会触发ActionEvent ,因此无法检查按下的修饰键。

Why is it a bug? 为什么是错误?

For Swing widgets, key binding should be done through InputMap and ActionMap (although the "obsolete" registerKeyboardAction is simpler). 对于Swing小部件,应该通过InputMapActionMap完成键绑定(尽管“过时”的registerKeyboardAction更简单)。 See Keyboard Bindings in Swing in the old Swing Connection, and the JComponent API docs. 请参阅旧的Swing连接中的Swing中的键盘绑定JComponent API文档。

The Pluggable Look & Feel rather gets in the way of mapping input events onto actions. Pluggable Look&Feel阻碍了将输入事件映射到动作的方式。 Exactly what happens with ActionEvent is up to the current PL&F. 确切而言, ActionEvent所发生的情况取决于当前的PL&F。 Application code directly registering KeyListener generally isn't a good idea in Swing. 在Swing中,直接注册KeyListener应用程序代码通常不是一个好主意。 Some components are made up of other smaller components, meaning InputEvent s may or may not get passed on. 一些组件由其他较小的组件组​​成,这意味着InputEvent可能传递也可能不会传递。 Input events may get interpreted to perform more than one operation. 输入事件可能会被解释为执行多个操作。 Generally the whole thing is a mess. 通常,整个事情都是一团糟。

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