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[英]App Crashes because iAd Fails to Resume in Time

My app runs fine when I don't have iAds. 没有iAd时,我的应用可以正常运行。 As soon as I display an iAd the system shuts down my app because the iAd can't resume in time. 一旦显示iAd,系统将关闭我的应用程序,因为iAd无法及时恢复。

How do I resolve this? 我该如何解决?

Elapsed total CPU time (seconds): 1.380 (user 0.880, system 0.500), 14% CPU 
Elapsed application CPU time (seconds): 0.000, 0% CPU

Thread 0:
0   libSystem.B.dylib               0x00000c98 mach_msg_trap + 20
1   libSystem.B.dylib               0x00002d64 mach_msg + 44
2   AppSupport                      0x0001009e CPDMMessage + 158
3   AppSupport                      0x0000f3e4 -[CPDistributedMessagingCenter _sendMessage:userInfoData:oolKey:oolData:makeServer:receiveReply:nonBlocking:error:] + 848
4   AppSupport                      0x0000ed76 -[CPDistributedMessagingCenter _sendMessage:userInfo:receiveReply:error:toTarget:selector:context:nonBlocking:] + 618
5   AppSupport                      0x0000deba -[CPDistributedMessagingCenter _sendMessage:userInfo:receiveReply:error:toTarget:selector:context:] + 58
6   AppSupport                      0x0000e08e -[CPDistributedMessagingCenter sendMessageName:userInfo:] + 34
7   iAd                             0x00012bcc -[ADSession sendMessageName:userInfo:] + 100
8   iAd                             0x00013cfe -[ADSession open] + 22
9   iAd                             0x000065c2 -[ADBannerView sessionDidBecomeAvailable:] + 38
10  iAd                             0x00014d60 -[ADSessionManager considerCreatingSessions] + 416
11  iAd                             0x00014a42 __-[ADSessionManager sessionForRecipient:]_block_invoke_1 + 34
12  libSystem.B.dylib               0x000d597c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
13  libSystem.B.dylib               0x000d69f4 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 212
14  CoreFoundation                  0x00027894 __CFRunLoopRun + 1328
15  CoreFoundation                  0x00027270 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 224
16  CoreFoundation                  0x00027178 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 52
17  GraphicsServices                0x000045ec GSEventRunModal + 108
18  GraphicsServices                0x00004698 GSEventRun + 56
19  UIKit                           0x0000411c -[UIApplication _run] + 396
20  UIKit                           0x00002128 UIApplicationMain + 664
21  StockTwits                      0x00002c5c main (main.m:14)
22  StockTwits                      0x00002c2c start + 32

Sigh, it's a bug with iAds. 抱歉,这是iAd的错误。 No confirmed work around yet. 尚无确认的解决方法。 Supposed fix in 4.2, no word if it's the 4.2 SDK that's required or if users will be required to upgrade. 应该在4.2中修复,如果需要的是4.2 SDK,或者是否需要升级用户,则无所作为。

https://devforums.apple.com/message/309701 https://devforums.apple.com/message/309701

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