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什么是Couch DB? 从Couch DB中搜索和检索数据的过程是什么?

[英]What is Couch DB? What is the process of search & retrieval of data from Couch DB?

What is Couch DB? 什么是Couch DB? How is that different from conventional oracle DB? 与传统的oracle DB有何不同? What is the process of search & retrieval of data from Couch DB? 从Couch DB中搜索和检索数据的过程是什么?

http://couchdb.apache.org/docs/intro.html http://couchdb.apache.org/docs/intro.html

Couch DB is a non-relational, schema-free database. Couch DB是一个非关系的,无模式的数据库。 Please visit the project's site to learn more - it would not do to copy-paste the content from there to here. 请访问该项目的站点以了解更多信息-不会将内容从此处复制粘贴到此处。

The two categories above are the main difference from usual SQL databases, which are both relational (use schemas to define data) and have those schemas rigidly defined (you can not use ad-hoc data formats) for every possible data type/table. 上面的两个类别是与常规SQL数据库的主要区别,它们都是关系型 (使用架构来定义数据),并且已为每种可能的数据类型/表严格定义了这些架构(您不能使用临时数据格式)。

We would be glad to answer specific questions you will have about CouchDB :) 我们很高兴回答您对CouchDB的特定问题:)

  • Key-value pair type storage (NoSQL) 键值对类型存储(NoSQL)

  • Document oriented storage 面向文档的存储

  • Bottom line is it gives you schemaless database (semi-structured). 最重要的是,它为您提供了无模式的数据库(半结构化)。 Which is easily horizontally scalable 易于水平扩展

  • There is no 1 database. 没有1个数据库。 It's a distributed storage system. 这是一个分布式存储系统。 There are various nodes which hold the data. 有各种保存数据的节点。

  • Data available (querying) via a Restful JSON Api 通过Restful JSON Api提供的数据(查询)

  • Couchdb's real world example on Stackoverflow 对CouchDB的现实世界的例子#1

  • Sample data store in CouchDb: CouchDb中的示例数据存储:

    { key: "Clarke", value: { last_name: "Clarke", first_name: "Kim" } } {键:“ Clarke”,值:{last_name:“ Clarke”,first_name:“ Kim”}}

  • Read the 4 Features listed here and you will get the whole picture. 阅读此处列出的4个功能,您将获得整个图片。

Though it's not exactly the same, but read Amazon Dynamo . 虽然不完全相同,但请阅读Amazon Dynamo It's interesting and similar. 这很有趣且相似。

Update: 更新:

One of the best reads about CouchDB for relational DB users: A Gentle Introduction to CouchDB for Relational Practitioners 有关面向关系数据库用户的CouchDB的最佳读物之一:有关面向关系实践者的CouchDB的简要介绍

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